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Everfest Dos

Evergreen's Favorite Action Film

13% (5) Batman Forever
13% (5) Casino Royale
2% (1) Goldfinger
33% (12) Fight Club
5% (2) The Rocketeer
30% (11) Write in your own nomination!

36 voters have answered this question.

Evergreen's Favorite Comedy Film

22% (8) Borat
11% (4) Forgetting Sarah Marshall
27% (10) The Hangover
13% (5) The Men Who Stare At Goats
8% (3) A Mighty Wind
16% (6) Write in your own nomination!

36 voters have answered this question.

Evergreen's Favorite Documentary Film

11% (4) Battle In Seattle
13% (5) Capitalism: A Love Story
11% (4) Kurt Cobain: About a Son
33% (12) The Motorcycle Diaries
11% (4) Super Size Me
19% (7) Write in your own nomination!

36 voters have answered this question.

Evergreen's Favorite Horror Film

5% (2) Black Sheep
11% (4) Drag Me To Hell
13% (5) The Omen
16% (6) Poultrygeist
16% (6) Zombies of Mass Destruction: A Political Zomedy
36% (13) Write in your own nomination!

36 voters have answered this question.

Evergreen's Favorite Science Fiction Film

20% (7) Alien (write in which one from the series)
34% (12) Avatar
14% (5) The Matrix
14% (5) Star Wars (write in which episode)
0% (0) Sunshine
17% (6) Write in your own nomination!

35 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-05-13 00:49:48 by craziedcanadian
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