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Girls- what do you like guys to wear at the beach?

What do girls enjoy seeing guys wear at the beach?
Male (Results and comments only, please)
Female (Continue, please)
Okay, beach day. The guy you're checking out is wearing a shirt. What kind do you prefer him to be wearing?
Plain T-shirt
Graphic T-shirt
Tank top
Muscle shirt
Mesh tank top
Mesh muscle shirt
Mesh T-shirt
Okay, you've got a shirt. What kind of swimsuit? (feel free to add to your answer on the comments board)
Dark-color knee-length
Light-color knee-length
Other (Please explain)
Body hair- where does he have it, and how much?
Armpits- a lot
Armpits- some
Armpits- trimmed
Armpits- none
Chest- alot
Chest- some
Chest- trimmed
Chest- none
Stomach- a lot
Stomach- some
Stomach- trimmed
stomach- none
Upper arms- a lot
Upper arms- some
Upper arms- trimmed
Upper arms- none
Forearms- a lot
Forearms- some
forearms- trimmed
Forearms- none
Upper legs- a lot
Upper legs- some
Upper legs- trimmed
Upper legs- none
Lower legs- a lot
Lower legs- some
lower legs- trimmed
lower legs- none
Other- please detail on the message board
Pubic area- A lot
Pubic area- some
Pubic area- trimmed
Pubic area- none
Oh crap, your bikini top blows away/is stolen by someone. How does this guy react?
Hands you a towel to cover up
Gives you his shirt to cover up
Points you out to any friends he has
Looks away politely
Hands you a towel/gives you his shirt, then chases after your top
This guy has met your criteria. Now, you're thinking about hanging out with him. You don't know if he's noticed you or not. So, do you:
Go over to him and talk casually
Go over to him and comment on his body
Go over to him while totally strutting your stuff. Chest out, sashay, etc?
Try to catch his eye and make him come to you
If he hasn't noticed you, forget him
So, you're now hanging out, having fun, and so on. What do you do?
Go swimming
Sit and chat
Walk down the beach
Get some food/ice cream/drinks- he pays
Get some food/ice cream/drinks- you pay
Get some food/ice cream/drinks- you each buy your own
So, one of you has to leave and end the fun. But it doesn't have to be the end of the story. What do you do now?
Ask for his phone number
Ask for his email address
Give him your contact info when he asks
Accept his offer to date, and pick a place and time
If he doesn't offer contact info, forget him
Now you're saying goodbye. What happens?
He hugs you
You hug him
Shake hands
He kisses you on the cheek
You kiss him on the cheek
Quick kiss on the lips from you
Quick kiss on the lips from him
Fondle each other
Get close and talk dirty
Go have sex somewhere private
Drop everything and have sex right there
Stare into each others eyes
Look at each other's bodies
Other- please explain
Girls, if you see a cute guy by himself, and he's obviously girl shy, what do you do?
Tease him
Go talk to him nicely
Ignore him
Other- please explain
Invite him to join you
Will you share your ultimate beach guy and scenario based on these questions? Or share anything at all regarding this?
I'm a guy, and this would REALLY help me out, girls!
This poll was created on 2010-05-17 08:55:00 by Pollsfan2