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How scared are you of insects?
On a scale of 0 to 5, how afraid are you of Spiders?
0 - I am completely comfortable around them - they're cool!
1 - I am slightly cautious but won't go out of my way to kill/avoid them.
2 - I am cautious around them and don't let them get too close.
3 - I do my best to avoid them
4 - I will avoid being anywhere near them and/or kill them
5 - I am deathly afraid of them and will run and/or feint at the sight of them.
On a scale of 0 to 5, how afraid are you of Wasps/Bees?
0 - I am completely comfortable around them - they're cool!
1 - I am slightly cautious but won't go out of my way to kill/avoid them.
2 - I am cautious around them and don't let them get too close.
3 - I do my best to avoid them
4 - I will avoid being anywhere near them and/or kill them
5 - I am deathly afraid of them and will run and/or feint at the sight of them.
On a scale of 0 to 5, how afraid are you of Beetles?
0 - I am completely comfortable around them - they're cool!
1 - I am slightly cautious but won't go out of my way to kill/avoid them.
2 - I am cautious around them and don't let them get too close.
3 - I do my best to avoid them
4 - I will avoid being anywhere near them and/or kill them
5 - I am deathly afraid of them and will run and/or feint at the sight of them.
On a scale of 0 to 5, how afraid are you of Flies?
0 - I am completely comfortable around them - they're cool!
1 - I am slightly cautious but won't go out of my way to kill/avoid them.
2 - I am cautious around them and don't let them get too close.
3 - I do my best to avoid them
4 - I will avoid being anywhere near them and/or kill them
5 - I am deathly afraid of them and will run and/or feint at the sight of them.
On a scale of 0 to 5, how afraid are you of Worms?
0 - I am completely comfortable around them - they're cool!
1 - I am slightly cautious but won't go out of my way to kill/avoid them.
2 - I am cautious around them and don't let them get too close.
3 - I do my best to avoid them
4 - I will avoid being anywhere near them and/or kill them
5 - I am deathly afraid of them and will run and/or feint at the sight of them.
On a scale of 0 to 5, how afraid are you of Mosquitos?
0 - I am completely comfortable around them - they're cool!
1 - I am slightly cautious but won't go out of my way to kill/avoid them.
2 - I am cautious around them and don't let them get too close.
3 - I do my best to avoid them
4 - I will avoid being anywhere near them and/or kill them
5 - I am deathly afraid of them and will run and/or feint at the sight of them.
On a scale of 0 to 5, how afraid are you of Pilbugs/Ladybugs?
0 - I am completely comfortable around them - they're cool!
1 - I am slightly cautious but won't go out of my way to kill/avoid them.
2 - I am cautious around them and don't let them get too close.
3 - I do my best to avoid them
4 - I will avoid being anywhere near them and/or kill them
5 - I am deathly afraid of them and will run and/or feint at the sight of them.
On a scale of 0 to 5, how afraid are you of Snails/Slugs?
0 - I am completely comfortable around them - they're cool!
1 - I am slightly cautious but won't go out of my way to kill/avoid them.
2 - I am cautious around them and don't let them get too close.
3 - I do my best to avoid them
4 - I will avoid being anywhere near them and/or kill them
5 - I am deathly afraid of them and will run and/or feint at the sight of them.
This poll was created on 2010-06-09 23:03:04 by
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