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Guys, do you loosen your tie?

How you wear your tie
Do you loosen your necktie?
When does your tie get loosened?
It starts out loose
It starts out tight but gets loosened throughout the course of the day
I loosen it on the way home from work
At home after work
I don't loosen my tie
Why do your loosen your tie?
It's more comfortable
It's not as hot
It makes it easier to breathe
It looks better
I don't loosen my tie
When you loosen your tie, how many shirt buttons do you unbutton?
I don't unbutton any buttons
My top button is already unbuttoned under my tie, so I just loosen my tie and the collar is open
My top button starts out buttoned, and when I loosen my tie I unbutton my top button
I unbutton the top two buttons
I don't loosen my tie
After work, what do you wear?
I stay in my dress shirt and tie, and my tie is tight
I stay in my dress shirt and tie, and my tie is loose
I take off my tie, but keep my dress shirt on
I change out of my work clothes
This poll was created on 2010-06-15 01:20:27 by MPC2944791217