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Tourettes Guy Poll

How well do you know the tourettes Guy?

What Is The Tourettes Guys Real Name

3% (2) Rob
85% (48) Danny
5% (3) George
3% (2) Fred
1% (1) Henry

56 voters have answered this question.

Who Is Tourettes Guy Favorite Comedian/Actor

7% (4) Chuck Norris
7% (4) Fred Savage
0% (0) John Lennon
83% (47) Bob Saget
1% (1) George Lopez

56 voters have answered this question.

What Are The Tourettes Guy's two favorite cereals.

5% (3) Life And Corn Flakes
1% (1) Mini Wheats And Raisin Bran
7% (4) Cocoa Puffs and Rice Krispies
1% (1) Wheaties And Golden Grahams
83% (47) Frosted Flakes And Total

56 voters have answered this question.

Who Is The Person The Tourettes Guy describing to the Police.

96% (54) A Long legged Pissed off puerto rican
3% (2) A Eskimo With A Machine Gun

56 voters have answered this question.

What do porcupines Balls look like

10% (6) Polka Dots and a high attitude.
89% (50) Small and dont give a shit

56 voters have answered this question.

How Old Is Grandma Jenelle

9% (5) 86
1% (1) 79
7% (4) 89
73% (39) 93
7% (4) 41

53 voters have answered this question.

What Is tourettes guys ex wifes name

3% (2) Shannon
5% (3) Sharon
87% (49) Shirlena
0% (0) Lisa
3% (2) Donna

56 voters have answered this question.

What Does Tourettes Guy change more than is his shirt

80% (45) His Glasses
17% (10) His Pants
0% (0) His Shoes
1% (1) His Bandanas

56 voters have answered this question.

Why Is It so Easy for Dennis to give a shit.

5% (3) Because he smells bad
94% (53) Because hes so full of shit

56 voters have answered this question.

Is Tourettes Guy A Fan Of Randy Travis

80% (45) Yes
19% (11) No

56 voters have answered this question.

Does Grandma Jenelle know what Alf Is

7% (4) Yes
92% (50) No

54 voters have answered this question.

Why Is Tourettes Guy Son Grounded

5% (3) Because He wrinkled his randy travis poster
1% (1) he dosesnt know what Alf Is
92% (52) He doesent think the garbage disposal Sounds like chewbacca taking a shit

56 voters have answered this question.

What does Tourettes Guy Get from Wendys

90% (48) 2 Cheeseburgers with pickles and ketchup with nothing else, a biggie fry and some shit to drink
5% (3) 1 Biggie Fry with 10 chicken mcnuggets
3% (2) 5 CUPS OF CHILI

53 voters have answered this question.

How many times has Dairy Queen Failed On Him

10% (6) once
75% (42) Twice
14% (8) Three

56 voters have answered this question.

Where Is Danny taking his business to

17% (10) Charter
17% (10) WOW
64% (36) Comcast

56 voters have answered this question.

Who Gives A Shit About Bigfoot

7% (4) George Bush
1% (1) Eric Cartman
1% (1) Peter Griffin
89% (50) Nobody

56 voters have answered this question.

What does Shirlena threaten to do to Tourettes Guy

5% (3) Throw rocks at him
3% (2) Pour dirt on his face
3% (2) Burn his Clothes
87% (49) Kick him in the balls

56 voters have answered this question.

What Cereal does the tourettes guy son dislike

92% (52) Total
5% (3) Crispix
0% (0) Kix
1% (1) Trix

56 voters have answered this question.

What does shirlena call tourettes guy when hes in the shower

16% (9) Dick
75% (42) Prick
1% (1) Asshole
7% (4) Faggot

56 voters have answered this question.

What does tourettes guy cal the guy in the tuba

1% (1) Douchebag
87% (49) Faggot
8% (5) Dick
1% (1) POS

56 voters have answered this question.

Has there Ever Been A Tourettes Guy video translated into anotjhr language

21% (12) Yes
46% (26) No
32% (18) Maybe

56 voters have answered this question.

What Is Tourettes Guys son name

9% (5) Josh
76% (42) Dont know
12% (7) Kyle
1% (1) Brent

55 voters have answered this question.

Has there ever been a video of tourettes guy vs Angry german kid

42% (24) No
57% (32) Yes

56 voters have answered this question.

Does danny wear the same shirt in every video

50% (28) Yes
44% (25) No
5% (3) Dont know

56 voters have answered this question.

has shirlenas face ever been shown on camera

3% (2) yes
87% (47) No
9% (5) Maybe

54 voters have answered this question.

What is the tourettes guy official channel on youtube

51% (29) Eaglesfan98TG
25% (14) Walrusguy
1% (1) Fred
10% (6) ChucknorrisTV
5% (3) JustinbieberVEVO
5% (3) Nigahiga

56 voters have answered this question.

What show is danny seen watching in one video.

30% (17) Price is right
3% (2) Newlywed Game
30% (17) Jeopardy
1% (1) South Park
1% (1) Family Guy
1% (1) Ugly Americans
1% (1) Robot Chicken
0% (0) The Simpsons
0% (0) Malcolm In the middle
0% (0) Boy meets world
1% (1) Sabrina: the teenage witch
0% (0) Futurama
5% (3) King of the hill
21% (12) Family FEUD

56 voters have answered this question.

what does Tourettes Guy Dishwasher Sound like

7% (4) Bob Marley
76% (43) Chewbacca
7% (4) Angry German Kid
3% (2) Fred
3% (2) Justin Bieber
0% (0) Walrus Guy
0% (0) Joe Jonas
1% (1) Herbert the pervert

56 voters have answered this question.

Do you like the tourettes Guy?

94% (53) Yes
5% (3) NO

56 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-06-16 00:36:14 by FordProbeMan95
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