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GIRLS: boyfriends who wear glasses, all the time.

Girls: if your boyfriend wears glasses (ALL THE TIME), take my poll.

Can your boyfriend see without his glasses?

18% (4) Yes. (submit only first answer only, thank you.)
40% (9) No
40% (9) A little. He has a hard time getting around without his glasses, he has to feel his way around, but eventually he'll be ok.

22 voters have answered this question.

If you answered No or a little, to the first question...Do you ever take his glasses from him and play around because you know he can't see without them?

70% (14) Yes
30% (6) No

20 voters have answered this question.

If you take his glasses from him, how does he react. Check all that apply.

31% (6) He lets me take his glasses, only if we're at his house or my house. (when no one's around)
52% (10) He tries to get his glasses from me, but usually fails because he can't see.
63% (12) He let's me take his glasses from him, without doing anything. But he gets nervous, about not being able to see.
10% (2) He acts irrate until I give him his glasses back.
15% (3) N/A

19 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever forced him to go anywhere in public without his glasses?

36% (8) Yes, I had to hold hands with him.
13% (3) Yes, but I let him struggle a bit. We didn't hold hands.
50% (11) No

22 voters have answered this question.

You and your boyfriend are at home. Something bad happened to his glasses and he was stranded with no way to see anything. Something else happens and he needs to protect your from harm, but he can't, because he can't see without his glasses. How would you react?

23% (5) I'd force him to do something, if he could or couldn't see.
76% (16) I would do something and protect him.

21 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-06-24 21:32:49 by Dude Guy
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