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Toshiba Libretto W100 Features

If you could choose, which feature would you most like to see in the next development iteration of the Toshiba Libretto W100 (http://laptops.toshiba.com/laptops/libretto/W100)?

How important is a (physical) keyboard for you?

0% (0) not at all
50% (1) slightly
0% (0) depends
50% (1) highly
0% (0) can't live without

2 voters have answered this question.

Would you require handwriting recognition?

0% (0) not at all
0% (0) nice to have, but not necessary
0% (0) sometimes
50% (1) most of the time
50% (1) always

2 voters have answered this question.

What screen size do you require for working with such a mobile device?

50% (1) less than 4 inches (mobile phones)
0% (0) 4 to 7 inches (UMPC)
50% (1) 7 to 10 inches (netbooks)
0% (0) 10 to 14 inches (subnotebooks)
0% (0) more than 14 inches (laptop)

2 voters have answered this question.

Is it important for you to have a light-weight device (the lighter the better)?

50% (1) not at all, I can carry bricks
0% (0) I would avoid the bricks
0% (0) I don't really mind
50% (1) I'd prefer a light device over a heavy one
0% (0) Light as a feather it should be

2 voters have answered this question.

Battery lifetime: do you need long life?

0% (0) I mostly work in an office / at home / some place with a power outlet (I don't need long lifetime)
0% (0) When I am on the move, I only do simple tasks such as reading (a simple battery pack is enough for me)
0% (0) I want to be able to do some processing when on the move (average battery packs)
100% (2) I am sometimes on the move for hours (a strong battery pack)
0% (0) I am a heavy duty traveler, life time is essential for me

2 voters have answered this question.

More disk space means slower and less life time: how much do you really need (not counting external drives)?

0% (0) Less than 50 GB
50% (1) 50-80 GB should suffice
0% (0) 80-120 GB are average for my usage behaviour
0% (0) 120-250 GB: I need plenty of space
50% (1) more than 250 GB: I have heavy-duty data on my device

2 voters have answered this question.

Necessary processor speed depends on the type of applications you are running, but higher speed comes at the cost of battery lifetime. What speed is essential for a mobile device of the Libretto type?

50% (1) <1 GHz (mobile phones): simple tasks, not a lot of graphics
0% (0) ~1.2 GHz: at least smooth interoperability is necessary
50% (1) ~1.6 GHz (netbooks): smooth working with most office applications
0% (0) ~2.3 GHz: some demanding applications should run without problems
0% (0) Multicore: I need a desktop environment on the go

2 voters have answered this question.

Do you work mostly outside or inside (such as trains etc.) when on the move - i.e. how important is screen brightness for you?

50% (1) Not very (I work in dimly lit environments)
0% (0) Slightly (mostly indoors)
50% (1) Average (I do not work a lot outside, but...)
0% (0) Quite important (plenty of my work is outside)
0% (0) Highly important (it's very bright where I work)

2 voters have answered this question.

What other features would you consider important for such a mobile device?

No graph available for this question

0 voters have answered this question.

IF the most important issues listed above would be addressed, how much would you be willing to pay for such a system?

50% (1) no more than 300$
0% (0) 300-500$
0% (0) 500-800$
0% (0) 800-1200$
50% (1) 1200-1500$
0% (0) 1500-2000$
50% (1) more than 2000$

2 voters have answered this question.

Finally, what do you think of the Libretto W100 concept (two touchscreens, no keyboard)?

0% (0) doesn't make sense
0% (0) I am not convinced
0% (0) interesting, but...
50% (1) good idea
50% (1) cool, I need one

2 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-06-28 13:01:28 by Kayako Saeki
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