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what is your favorite game
what is your favorite pc game
plants vs zombies
master of defense
swords and sandles 3
swords and sandles crusader
world of warcraft
whats your favorite xbox 360 game
call of duty mw2
call of duty modern warfare 1
call of duty world at war
left 4 dead 1
left 4 dead 2
halo 3
halo reach
halo wars
favorite play station 1, 2 ,3 game
heavy rain
pac man world
call of duty mw2
none of the above
favorite ds or gba
fire emblem the sacred stones
fire emblem
new super mario bros
mario and luigi super star saga
mario and luigi partners in time
mario and luigi bowsers inside story
favorite gamecube
007 nightfire
007 underfire
luigis mansion
mario kart
sonic directors cut
none of the above
favorite nintendo 64
super mario 64
mario kart 64
007 golden eye
007 the world is not enough
This poll was created on 2010-07-01 23:05:22 by shirlene cramer