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Are You A "Religious" Christian?

This poll should help you determine whether you are a religious Christian or not.
What is the CHURCH?
The church is "where" Christians are required to meet at least once a week, to worship God.
I am not really sure, either I don't really read the bible, I don't really understand it, or I just go by what someone else says.
The "church" according to the Greek word, is a non-religious word, which means "assembly" or a group of people who meet with a common purpose.
Why do you take part in communion? Other wise known as The Last Supper.
I believe that it is a required tradition, that we are to take part in, communion is the death/body of Christ all over again to forgive our present sins against God.
I just thought it was some religious requirement that took people sins away, but I am not sure, I don't really read the bible, I don't really understand it, or I go by what others say..
I know that "communion" is ONLY a memorial reminder of Jesus' suffering, and horrible death. It's a reminder of what he did for US, and a good time for us to examine our own hearts and lives.
Are church "clergy" required to wear special clothing (robes etc..) during church?
Yes, to distinguish them from the congregation, to show how devoted they are, and how righteous they are compared to us, the common people.
I always thought it was some religious requirement, but I am not sure, I don't really read the bible, or I don't really understand it, or I go by what others say.
No, this is not even in scripture, their are absolutely no requirements regarding clothing for the clergy. If they want to wear torn jeans and a white t-shirt, then so be it. But it is respectful to at least dress up.
Is there a required sacred day for Christians to gather once a week?
Yes, since the beginning there has always been a sacred day of worship for Christians, because Jesus was resurrected on a Sunday.
I always thought it was some religious requirement, but I am not sure, I don't really read the bible, I don't really understand it, and I usually go by what others say.
No, Romans 14:5-6; Galations 4:8-10, and other verses tell us that everyday is equal, but the WHEN, is up to the individual.
Do people have to call the church "clergy" by their office title (Bishop, Prophet, Apostle, Pastor, etc...), or is it not important?
Yes, they were called into that office, so they should be honored by calling them by their titles. It sows that they are righteous and are in charge of the church.
I always thought it was some religious requirement, but I am not sure, I don't really read the bible, I don't really understand it, and I usually go by what others say.
No, of course not, the churches in the bible called Paul, Paul. They didn't call Paul, disciple Paul, or Apostle Paul all the time as some sort of requirement. Paul never called Timothy, Pastor. He called him Timothy. Well, there isn't any command or requirement.
What is "heaven" according to scripture?
I believe that heaven refers to where God lives, and where we will one day live with God.
I always thought it was some religious requirement, but I am not sure, I don't really read the bible, I don't really understand it, and I usually go by what others say.
Heaven is really just a non-religious Greek word meaning "expanse" that refers to the "sky," including our atmosphere, and space etc... Over 700 times in the Bible the "translated word" always means sky.
Who is the "HEAD" of the church?
The pastor is the one in charge, he tells the people how they are to live, and what to believe. Kind of similar to a boss.
I always thought it was some religious requirement, but I am not sure, I don't really read the bible, I don't really understand it, and I usually go by what others say.
Jesus is the head of the church: Colossians 1:18, and we should primarily follow His example; Pastors (overseers) are there to oversee, direct, and care for the spiritual welfare of the church. But primarily they are to lead by example only. There job is to "labor in the word and in doctrine." 1 Timothy 5:17
What is the purpose of the "Spiritual Gifts" given by the Holy Spirit?
They are supernatural gifts, that cannot fully explained.
I always thought it was some religious requirement, but I am not sure, I don't really read the bible, I don't really understand it, and I usually go by what others say.
They are super-natural gifts given to us by God, to prepare God's people for works of service, to build up the body of Christ, until we reach full unity in the faith, (and seprate from sin). (Ephesians 4)
What does God want from us, while we are on the earth?
To be good people, avoid sinful people, to help the needy, to go to church, take communion, etc...
I always thought it was some religious requirement, but I am not sure, I don't really read the bible, I don't really understand it, and I usually go by what others say.
To TRUST in His Son, to LOVE one another as He commanded, in the same way that Jesus loved us. (John 13:34-35; 1 John 3:23)
Are religious holidays important, or needed, do they effect whether we get into God's "Kingdom" or not?
Yes, Christmas, Easter were established by the church to celebrate the birth and resurrection of Christ.
I always thought it was some religious requirement, but I am not sure, I don't really read the bible, I don't really understand it, and I usually go by what others say.
NO, neither of those are important, nor do they effect whether we get into God's "Kingdom", Paul even said that people who observe them are "enslaved" by them, and that they are a waste of effort. Romans 14:5; Galation 4:8; Ephesians 2:8-10
What is LOVE?
Love is based on feelings, how you feel toward a person, whether they are worth loving or not.
I always thought it was a feeling, I always thought it was some religious requirement, but I am not sure, I don't really read the bible, I don't really understand it, and I usually go by what others say.
Love is not a feeling, but a choice, it's objective, actions of kindness, patience, humility, fedelity, etc... 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
What is Faith?
Faith is blind trust in the unknown, not really understanding God's plan for you.. (unless you got somehting else.)
I always thought it was just a requirement, that it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you have faith, but I am not sure, I don't really read the bible, I don't really understand it, and I usually go by what others say.
Faith a Greek NON-religious word, that is about fidelity, being faithful, steadfast, steadiness, trust, etc... Faith is only as good as the object, that you put your faith into.
If you chose ALL of the first choices, then you are VERY religious.
If you chose ALL of the first choices, then I feel sorry for you, because you are VERY religious. And it's possible that you aren't even a true Christian, IF you believe that those things are required for you to attain eternal life then your not.
If you chose ALL of the second choices, then I feel sorry for you. Use your own brain, think, study, and find out for yourself.
If you chose a mix of each, then you are still a religious Christian.
If you chose ALL of the last choices then you DO nothing religious, though you are a Christian.
I realize that this isn't a full, and complete list, and the message section will have another list for people to read.
Ok, I might read it.
Ok, but I may not read it.
I think "religion" is MORE than the physical aspects of religion.
This poll was created on 2010-07-08 18:59:37 by wwjd4u3