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Rosemount Rotary - St. Patrick's Day Festival Committee

Would you like to be on the Committee? We will be talking about (and deciding upon) what type of festival we should have, i.e. music, bagpipes, irish jig dance, etc. and what type fundraising activity needs to take place, i.e. creating a Rosemount Blarney Stone (which you kiss for luck) and make a donation, Corned Beef, Irish Stew, Green Beer in a commemorative glass (for a donation), Pot of Gold (ideas anyone), Rosemount Coupon book (which might include tickets to the event)...all of the decisions around the event...

Would you like to be on the Committee?

100% (2) Yes, I can't wait...let's get started! (Please enter your name in the space provided)
0% (0) No, this isn't for me.

2 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-07-15 23:52:17 by Justin Wylie
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