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FPS Map Sizes

A poll about the size of maps in First-Person-Shooter games (eg. Counterstike, Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2 etc...).

Generally speaking, what size of map do you like to play on in an FPS?

0% (0) Small Maps
20% (1) Medium Maps
60% (3) Large Maps
20% (1) I don't mind!

5 voters have answered this question.

Do you like small maps? If so, why? (Please tick any boxes that apply)

33% (1) They are fast paced
66% (2) There is lots of action
0% (0) There are less campers (etc..)
0% (0) They are quicker
33% (1) Other

3 voters have answered this question.

Do you like large maps? If so, why? (Please tick any boxes that apply)

25% (1) They have a slower pace
50% (2) There is less frequent action
25% (1) There are more camping spots and ambush locations
50% (2) They last longer
25% (1) Other

4 voters have answered this question.

Generally speaking, do you think the size of maps range enough in your favourite games? Do you think there is the right amount of small and large maps (as well as medium sized)?

0% (0) Yes; the range is generally good.
20% (1) Yes; the range is generally acceptable.
40% (2) I do not mind about the range.
20% (1) No; the range is generally poor.
20% (1) No; the range is generally terrible.

5 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-07-17 18:03:31 by 066pop
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