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Preferences in boys

Curious about girls preferences in boys. First is appearance, then is personality.
What do you think of boys with blond hair? Do you prefer light blond, dark blond or somewhere in between?
What do you think of boys with brown hair?
What do you think of boys with black hair?
What do you think of boys with red hair?
What do you think of boys with blue eyes?
What do you think of boys with green eyes?
What do you think of boys with brown eyes?
Do you prefer lighter or darker shades in eye color? i.e. light green vs dark green?
How important is a guys fashion?
Do you prefer baggy pants, tight pants, or somewhere in between?
What do you think of the talkative, confident, center of attention guy?
What do you think of the quiet, shy, background type of guy?
Does it bother you if a guy looks too happy or in contrast rarely smiles?
Does it bother you if a guy hates Twilight with a passion?
What do you think of smart guys who have good grades? Is it dorky?
What do you think of intelligent guys who have a lot of worldly understanding? Is it intimidating?
Do you think differently of someone who had a rough childhood and suffered a lot? What do you feel? Remorse? Fear? Would you want to avoid this person?
Would you think less of a guy for being afraid of things such as rats, insects, and spiders?
Would it bother you if a guy acted very girly around animals he thought were cute?
How do you judge a guys personality? If you don't know him well, how would you judge him? And what things about him would make you judge him in certain ways?
Thank you for taking my poll. Were there any problems? Was it too long?
This poll was created on 2010-07-20 02:48:35 by Lord E