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Contriversial Issues

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These are a few controversial questions that are asked frequently.

Is television a bad influence on kids?

32% (19) Yes
59% (35) No
8% (5) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Are video games a bad influence on kids?

30% (18) Yes
52% (31) No
16% (10) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Should the United States lower the voting age?

22% (13) Yes
71% (42) No
6% (4) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Should human cloning be permitted in the United States?

13% (8) Yes
69% (41) No
16% (10) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Should the United States ban the death penalty?

23% (14) Yes
64% (38) No
11% (7) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Should violent video games be banned?

22% (13) Yes
72% (43) No
5% (3) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Should people be allowed to smoke cigarettes in restaurants?

25% (15) Yes
71% (42) No
3% (2) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

In general, which of the following should people be allowed to videotape?

80% (40) Live concerts of people
78% (39) Museums
78% (39) Trains
62% (31) Religious services
52% (26) Indian pueblos
76% (38) The landing / takeoff of a plane from inside the plane
30% (15) Movie theatres
46% (23) Simulator Rides
48% (24) Log Flumes (while they're on it)

50 voters have answered this question.

Should gay people be allowed to marry?

65% (40) Yes
27% (17) No
6% (4) Not Sure

61 voters have answered this question.

Are major league athletes paid too much?

76% (45) Yes
15% (9) No
8% (5) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

What source do you support for the issue "how did the world begin"?

20% (12) Religion
49% (29) Evolution
23% (14) Both
0% (0) Neither
6% (4) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Should people be allowed to buy guns?

59% (35) Yes
27% (16) No
13% (8) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Are taxes good?

23% (14) Yes
15% (9) No
61% (36) Sometimes
0% (0) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Should curse words be censored on TV and on the radio?

30% (18) Yes
62% (37) No
6% (4) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Do you support flag burning?

8% (5) Yes
63% (37) No
20% (12) Yes, but only if the flag is old
6% (4) Not Sure

58 voters have answered this question.

Is Global Warming a real threat?

56% (33) Yes
25% (15) No
17% (10) Not Sure

58 voters have answered this question.

Do you support genetic engineering?

37% (22) Yes
43% (25) No
18% (11) Not Sure

58 voters have answered this question.

Do you support drafting people to go to war?

27% (16) Yes
58% (34) No
13% (8) Not Sure

58 voters have answered this question.

Should people be allowed to take fruits into other countries?

42% (25) Yes
35% (21) No
22% (13) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Should pesticides be used?

49% (29) Yes
23% (14) No
27% (16) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Should people go to Mars?

55% (33) Yes
25% (15) No
18% (11) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

Should certain books be banned from Libraries?

18% (11) Yes
77% (46) No
3% (2) Not Sure

59 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-12-01 22:12:50 by Pollmaker0116
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