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TF2 maps and gametypes

What are your favorite 8 official Valve maps?

0% (0) CTF 2Fort
0% (0) CTF Doublecross
0% (0) CTF Sawmill
0% (0) CTF Turbine
0% (0) CP Well
0% (0) CP Badlands
0% (0) CP Coldfront
0% (0) CP Fastlane
0% (0) CP Freight
0% (0) CP Granary
0% (0) CP Well
0% (0) CP Yukon
0% (0) CP Dustbowl
0% (0) CP Egypt
0% (0) CP Gorge
0% (0) CP Gravelpit
0% (0) CP Junction
0% (0) CP Steel
0% (0) TC Hydro
0% (0) PL Badwater
0% (0) PL Goldrush
0% (0) PL Hoodoo
0% (0) PL Thunder Mountain
0% (0) PL Upward
0% (0) PLR Pipeline
0% (0) PLR Hightower
0% (0) KOTH Harvest
0% (0) KOTH Nucleus
0% (0) KOTH Sawmill
0% (0) KOTH Viaduct
0% (0) Any one of the Arena maps

0 voters have answered this question.

What are your favorite two gametypes?

0% (0) Capture the Flag
0% (0) Capture Point
0% (0) Payload
0% (0) Payload Race
0% (0) King of the Hill
0% (0) Arena
0% (0) Territorial Control

0 voters have answered this question.

Which pace of game do you prefer?

0% (0) Frantic and chaotic
0% (0) Fast, but controlled
0% (0) Methodical and strategic, but not dead
0% (0) Turtling

0 voters have answered this question.

What type of map do you most prefer?

0% (0) Wide open maps (Orange variants)
0% (0) Consistently open, but not huge (Turbine, Granary)
0% (0) Fairly open, but tight in places (Dustbowl)
0% (0) Fairly small (2Fort)
0% (0) Cramped (Junction, sort of)

0 voters have answered this question.

Which do you hate more?

0% (0) Team loss
0% (0) Stalemate

0 voters have answered this question.

How many players do you prefer in a server (regardless of lag)?

0% (0) 10 or fewer
0% (0) 10-16
0% (0) 16-24
0% (0) 24-32
0% (0) 32 or more

0 voters have answered this question.

Would you want Valve to make new maps or rework old ones with the next major update?

0% (0) Yes, brand new maps!
0% (0) I want the older ones to be reworked.
0% (0) Either way, as long as I get to play on a map other than the usual.
0% (0) We don't need more maps, or reworked old ones, it's fine how it is.

0 voters have answered this question.

If you had to choose, would you prefer there to be new maps or new gametypes in the next major update?

0% (0) Maps
0% (0) Gametypes

0 voters have answered this question.

How many maps do you usually use? (There are 39 available official map/gametype combinations.)

0% (0) 1-5. I'm geographically introverted.
0% (0) 5-10. I have a circle of favorite maps.
0% (0) 10-20. I like some variety.
0% (0) 20-30. I like new places.
0% (0) 30-50+. I get bored easily.

0 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-07-26 18:31:09 by gone2israel
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