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gigi test

que preferis?

47% (8) paty
5% (1) pancho
47% (8) chori

17 voters have answered this question.

extraterrestre favorito?

88% (15) Alf
11% (2) et

17 voters have answered this question.

serie favorita?

33% (5) lost
6% (1) 24
20% (3) prison break
33% (5) House
6% (1) Heroes

15 voters have answered this question.

que Preferis?

47% (8) Cine con balde de pochoclos y coca
52% (9) dvd en la camucha con chocolate milka

17 voters have answered this question.

con un revolver en la sien...preferis escuchar un disco entero de:

11% (2) mambrú
29% (5) Jugate conmigo
11% (2) Twiggy
41% (7) Bandana
5% (1) Verano del 98

17 voters have answered this question.

Mejor dibujito?

11% (2) Pitufos
29% (5) He-man & She-ra
11% (2) Los autos locos
23% (4) tom & jerry
11% (2) Los superamigos
11% (2) supercampeones

17 voters have answered this question.

Mejor gaseosa?

41% (7) Coca-cola
5% (1) Pepsi
5% (1) Sprite
11% (2) 7up
35% (6) coca-light
0% (0) Pepsi max

17 voters have answered this question.

cual es/fue mas fea?

6% (1) Pepsi twist
31% (5) cherry coke
25% (4) fanta uva
12% (2) Tab
25% (4) Cordoba cola

16 voters have answered this question.

que pizza te gusta mas?

5% (1) Muzzarella
29% (5) Napolitana
11% (2) Anchoas
23% (4) fugazzetta
29% (5) provolone

17 voters have answered this question.

Mejor novela de los 90

35% (6) amigos son los amigos
11% (2) grande pá!
29% (5) montaña rusa
23% (4) La banda del golden rocket

17 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-07-26 18:46:06 by Gigi Test
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