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Footwear Situations 2 - Females only

Questions about footwear and shoes

Your age range:

19% (7) Under 18
30% (11) 19 to 29
16% (6) 30 to 39
13% (5) 40 to 49
19% (7) 50 and over

36 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been out and seen a lost or abandoned shoe and tried it on?

51% (17) Yes
12% (4) Yes but it didn't fit me
3% (1) No but I would
33% (11) No

33 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever gone out with two different shoes on?

2% (1) Yes - by accident
14% (5) Yes- on purpose
29% (10) Both by accident and on purpose
20% (7) Yes - wore another shoe while out instead of mine
17% (6) Yes - started out with two of the same and ended up with one different one
44% (15) No

34 voters have answered this question.

Do you ever wear two different socks?

2% (1) All the time
11% (4) Sometimes
26% (9) Occasionally
2% (1) Only when I have a laundry issue
17% (6) Yes, someone else wears one of mine
2% (1) Yes, socks get mixed in the laundry with someone elses
14% (5) Only by accident
29% (10) Never

34 voters have answered this question.

You are at a house party that has quite a few people there. As usual there are quite a few women that have taken off their shoes as the party goes on. You go into one of the bathrooms and close the door and you find a shoe someone left in there. Would you try it on?

23% (8) Just check it out
14% (5) Pick it up and check it out
5% (2) Try it on
8% (3) Try it on and keep it on for a few moments
14% (5) Try it on and keep it on while you were in the bathroom
2% (1) Try it on and keep it on and leave yours there when you leave the bathroom
29% (10) Try it on and then go back to the bathroom with one shoe and put it on and wear it

34 voters have answered this question.

You are dropping off some bags of clothes at a clothing donation box. When you get to the box you notice a shoe sitting in front of the box. It looks like its your size or close to it. No other boxes or bags are around the clothing box. What would you do?

50% (17) Pick the shoe up and put it in the box
26% (9) Pick the shoe up and take it with you
8% (3) Try it on and then put it in the box
35% (12) Try it on and take it with you
5% (2) Try it on for a few moments and take it off
0% (0) Try it on and keep it on while you put your bags in the clothing box and take it off
29% (10) Try it on and keep it on and take your shoe with you
5% (2) Try it on and keep it on and put yours in the box
2% (1) Try it on and keep it on and leave yours there

34 voters have answered this question.

You walk into the post office which is pretty empty at the time you go in. On the counter in the back of the lobby where you can prepare packages is a thong style sandal someone has placed on the counter that is abandoned. You look around and see no other shoe and of the few people in there no one is paying attention or missing a shoe either. The sandal looks like its new and looks about you size. Would you try it on?

47% (16) Probably not
2% (1) Just try it on
20% (7) Try it on and take it with you
0% (0) Try it on and linger at the counter with it on for a few moments
5% (2) Try it on and keep it on for a bit while you had to prepare a package or other mail to send out
0% (0) Try it on and walk around with it a bit
14% (5) Try it on and wear it and take your shoe with you
0% (0) Try it on and wear it and leave yours there instead
8% (3) Try it on to see if it fits, then go outside and take off your shoe and go back in to get it with one on

34 voters have answered this question.

You are in the park sitting at a bench near the playground. A little girl playing on the equipment had been pestering her mother to come and play with her. The little girl has been running around with only one shoe on for a while and apparently seems to do this quite often from the reaction of the mom. The woman is talking to someone on her mobile phone and sitting on one of her legs playing with her shoelace as she talks. She is wearing a pair of All Stars and two different color socks. When she finishes her conversation she gets up and goes to play with her daughter. You notice her shoe she was playing with is untied and loose now. She plays with her daughter on the playground equipment for a few minutes climbing ladders and sliding down slides. As she climbs up one of the ladders her loose shoe slips off her foot and falls to the ground and she continues playing with her daughter and is running around in one shoe like her now. A little while later she and her daughter start walking to another area of the park to continue playing both leaving their shoe at the playground. Assuming you are wearing your own All Stars or similar shoes would you go over and try hers on while she left it?

36% (12) No, just look
3% (1) Go check it out but not try it on
0% (0) Go over and try it on
3% (1) Take your shoe off and go over and try it on
0% (0) Try it on and keep it on for a few moments
0% (0) Try it on and wear it for a few minutes
6% (2) Try it on and walk around for a bit with it on
9% (3) Try it on and walk around for a bit with it on and take it off in another spot in the playground
0% (0) Try it on and play on the swings and equipment for a bit
27% (9) Put it on and wear it and take your shoe too
12% (4) Put it on and wear it and leave your shoe for her
3% (1) Other idea

33 voters have answered this question.

Since there seem to be places where lost and abandoned shoes show up often, would you go out wearing just one shoe to try to find another one to wear?

34% (11) No, I'm chicken
18% (6) Yes, I'd do it
28% (9) I have done this before
9% (3) Maybe with some encouragement
9% (3) If I lost/broke one of mine and needed another one

32 voters have answered this question.

If you were out and saw and abandoned one that you liked but couldn't get to it then, would you be brave or daring enough to wear one of yours and go get the abandoned one later?

35% (11) No, I'm chicken
16% (5) Yes, I'd do it
32% (10) I have done this before
9% (3) Maybe with some encouragement
6% (2) If someone dared me to

31 voters have answered this question.

If you were going into a building (like a store, business, etc.) and came across an abandoned shoe similar to yours, would you put it on and leave yours there and go inside wearing it? (assume it fit you)

24% (7) No, I'm chicken
20% (6) No, but I'd try it on
10% (3) Yes, I'd do it
10% (3) I have done this before
3% (1) Maybe with some encouragement
20% (6) I would try it on when I came out
10% (3) I would put it on when I came out and wear it

29 voters have answered this question.

You are inside a store shopping with very few people around. There is a young woman that is in front of you that is playing with one of her shoes as she is browsing along occasionally slipping her shoe off completely and stepping away from it. The more she does it, the further away she gets before retrieving her abandoned shoe pretty much allowing you to walk right up to it. You are wearing similar style shoes as her. Would you slip yours off and try hers on when she wasn't paying attention?

27% (9) I would
30% (10) I have before
42% (14) No, I'm not that daring

33 voters have answered this question.

In the scenario above if you said no would you change your mind if she left her shoe and stepped around a corner or shelf and couldn't see you or her shoe?

38% (12) I would have tried it on before anyway
32% (10) I have before
29% (9) No, I'm still not that daring

31 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever seen another woman/girl walking around with just one shoe?

52% (18) Yes - she was holding it
41% (14) Yes - someone else was holding it
26% (9) Yes - her missing shoe was in the area though
67% (23) Yes - her missing shoe was nowhere to be seen
11% (4) Not yet

34 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever done any of the following?

51% (16) Gone out wearing one shoe
64% (20) Abandoned a shoe while out somewhere
61% (19) Taken a shoe off and continued with one while out
48% (15) Take one shoe off to drive and leave it in the car when you get out
51% (16) Take one shoe off in the car riding and leave it off when you get out
38% (12) Found a shoe somewhere and wore it instead of your own
6% (2) Found a sock and tried it on
6% (2) Found a sock and put it on and wore it
3% (1) Found a nylon stocking and tried it on
6% (2) Found a nylon stocking and put it on and wore it
19% (6) Gone out in just socks
25% (8) Gone out in just one sock or stocking
25% (8) Worn one sock and one nylon stocking
38% (12) Took or stole someones shoe to try on or wear later on
38% (12) Wear one house slipper at home
32% (10) Have a single slipper you wear by itself
48% (15) Come home from being out and take off one shoe and walk around in one for a while
48% (15) Put on one shoe at home and walk around with it

31 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-02-01 16:04:23 by OneShoeOff
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