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I lost a bet... Help me decide what I have to do.

I lost a bet with my girlfriend (who is just a friend) and now she's making me make this poll to decide what I'm going to do. Please write ideas on the message board. (she wrote that)

What should I have to do?

19% (27) Be a dress up doll
16% (23) Pretend to be a girl and go out with the girls.
42% (59) Be a baby.
0% (1) Let her mess with my hair.
16% (23) Be her man servant. A.K.A butler/maid
4% (6) Other. (no porn, stealing, killing, or maustervating)

139 voters have answered this question.

If you picked be a dress up doll what should I have to wear?

1% (2) A wig with a pink bow.
2% (4) A bunny suit.
12% (18) A maids outfit.
9% (13) A Disney princess Costume.
10% (14) A little girls dress
7% (10) A blouse and a skirt
0% (0) A hoop skirt
41% (58) A diaper
5% (8) Just panties
0% (1) A fuku
2% (3) Just a dress
5% (8) A costume

139 voters have answered this question.

If you picked pretend to be a girl what do you want me to do? (I will not kiss a dude!)

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30 voters have answered this question.

If you picked what hairstyles should she try? (you probably know more than me.)

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20 voters have answered this question.

If you picked be a man servant what should I do?

5% (5) Do her chores
94% (80) Do anything she asks.

85 voters have answered this question.

If you picked man servant how should I dress?

4% (4) A tuxedo
30% (28) A maids uniform.
64% (59) Just a pair of underwear. Or a diaper. (please pick a tuxedo for me)

91 voters have answered this question.

What do you want me to do if you picked other?

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17 voters have answered this question.

What do I do if you picked be a baby. (please oh please don't pick baby)

89% (82) Wear baby clothes
88% (81) Let people treat me like baby

92 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-08-12 04:40:17 by starflexer
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