This poll is of public importance since the Sharia law is being quietly implemented all over America. This poll will help determine the future of human rights, religious rights of all religions, and will preserve all hard work of all human rights movements including Martin Luther King and Gandhi.
I am creating a poll to be fed onto a future article on USWGO Alternative News saying that the sharia law shouldn't be passed in America but before I do I have to see if the majority of davidicke forum members and majority of Americans are for or against the sharia law.
I want to start up polls throughout different parts of the net to see if the majority is against the sharia law and if they are then I will tell Capital Hill to say NO to the sharia law because in order for this law to succeed we will have to repeal most of the Constitutional amendments which will be a disaster to our civil liberties, freedoms, and many cultures including the Cherokee and Navajo will be wiped out by radical Islamic factions.
The sharia law will be anti music, anti women, unfair court systems, two class system based on religious decree, government will execute people for lesser crimes such as adultery (Even if it's wrong killing people isn't the answer) and cut off peoples arms for stealing (even though it won't teach people their lesson and won't get people to do more good instead of more evil), and the sharia law will mean all books including the bible will be under Islamic scrutiny which means they will decide what books are taboo and what aren't even though the English (At least I think it's that version) version of the Quran said that the Muslims shall read all gospels of the bible even ones the Islam don't approve of according to my mother which researched the English version Quran she said that Muslims have to read all of the gospels.
The sharia law would further create hatred against Muslims and will lead to more discrimination of Muslims. The good Muslims will be attacked while the Islamic radical factions will be protected by armed security and secret service. Radical Islam in America may lead to more hate groups when Obama claims he wanted laws against hate.
The sharia law is BS and never should pass in America and will recreate the segregation in public schools.
So I created this poll to see how many david icke forum members are against the sharia law so vote away!
Poll will be used for USWGO Alternative News article about the Sharia Law
Are you against the Sharia Law?
93% (59) | Yes I am | |
6% (4) | No I am for the Sharia Law | |
0% (0) | Maybe |
63 voters have answered this question.
Why are you against the Sharia Law?
80% (51) | Because Radical Islamic Laws conflict with our Constitutional Rights | |
41% (26) | Because it fuels more hatred against the Muslims and may lead to even more Hate/extremist Groups around the world. This also could mean a rise in terrorism and terrorism attacks plus revenge groups that want revenge on innocent Muslims for the crimes of the radical Islamic groups. | |
49% (31) | Because Islamic Sharia Law conflicts with peoples freedom to sing beautiful music and melodies. | |
63% (40) | Because Sharia Law conflicts with womens rights and will mean women won't even be allowed to tan, swim in bathing suits, and will punish women who violates the Sharia Law with rape and then the radical factions will say it is the womens fault. | |
46% (29) | Because Sharia Law means modeling will be illegal and art will be destroyed by censorship or terrorist attacks since some art contains nudity which offends the Islamic Sharia Law. | |
61% (39) | Because the Sharia Law violates freedom of the press, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion due to some newspapers publishing a cartoon over the prophet Muhammad with a bomb on his head and some using freedom of speech to stand up against the Sharia Law. Also Freedom of assembly will be taken out since it may lead to the repeal of the Sharia Law. | |
38% (24) | Because of another reason. |
63 voters have answered this question.
This poll was created on 2010-08-15 17:26:43
by uswgo