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Height in men

How important is height to a woman?

What is your age?

39% (9) 12-18
13% (3) 19-21
21% (5) 21-30
8% (2) 30-40
4% (1) 40-50
13% (3) 50+

23 voters have answered this question.

If a man were good looking, intellegent, and humorous, however was a little on the short side; how short could he be before you would not go on a date with him?

17% (4) less than 6'
4% (1) less than 5' 10"
17% (4) less than 5' 8"
4% (1) Less than 5' 6"
17% (4) less than 5' 4"
8% (2) Less than 5' 2"
4% (1) Less than 5'
4% (1) he has to be taller than me
21% (5) height does not matter in the slightest

23 voters have answered this question.

Out of Height, weight, good looks, compatible personality, and intellect which is most important?

8% (2) Height
8% (2) weight
8% (2) good looks
60% (14) compatible personality
13% (3) intellect

23 voters have answered this question.

How tall are you?

4% (1) less than 5'
52% (12) less than 5' 6"
43% (10) less than 6'

23 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-08-20 01:47:47 by pic498
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