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Poll for Women - Romantic Rivals

Ladies: Let's face it. our lives are full of competition, whether we like it or not. When it comes to romantic rivalries, how have you done so far?

When it comes to "battles" over a man with another woman in the dating scene, how have you come out?

0% (0) I always win and get the man
0% (0) I always have lost the man to another woman
66% (2) I win more than I lose
0% (0) I lose more than I win
33% (1) I have won about the same as I have lost

3 voters have answered this question.

If you have been the "other woman", how have you done competing with his current woman?

0% (0) I always win and get the man
0% (0) I have never got the man from another woman
66% (2) I win more than I lose
33% (1) I lose more than I win
0% (0) I have won about the same as I have lost

3 voters have answered this question.

If you have been in a battle WITH the "other woman", how have you done?

0% (0) I always win and keep my man
0% (0) I always have lost my man to another woman
100% (3) I win more than I lose
0% (0) I lose more than I win
0% (0) I have won about the same as I have lost

3 voters have answered this question.

How have you done in the dating scene in "battles" with another woman over a man?

0% (0) I always win and get the man
0% (0) I always lose to the competition and never get the man
66% (2) I win more than I lose
0% (0) I lose more than I win
33% (1) I have won about the same as I have lost

3 voters have answered this question.

Ladies: In your biggest "battle" (rivalry) with another woman, her name was_____ and your name is_____ and her age was_____ and your age was_____ and who won_____

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2 voters have answered this question.

Ladies: When it comes to romantic rivals, who would you rather be?

0% (0) The wife
66% (2) The girlfriend
0% (0) The other woman
33% (1) One of two women competing for an eligible man

3 voters have answered this question.

Ladies" once you have won, and got the guy, what would be the most fun way to finish your battle with your romantic rival?

66% (2) I would kiss the guy on front of her, so she knows the score.
0% (0) I would appear at her door 6 months later, pregnant, so she would know the score
0% (0) I would squash her flat as a large round pancake, like in the cartoons, face up. She would not be hurt at all, (maybe a little humiliated) just flattened into a pancake for awhile. Then I would take a picture of me standing over her, and send the phote to my man.
33% (1) I would celebrate with him, and gorget all about her (more classy but not as fun as the other options)

3 voters have answered this question.

Final Comments

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1 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-08-20 19:30:15 by Jane's arena
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