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toilets and toilet paper

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questions about toilets and toilet paper

what color are your toilets?

93% (125) white
0% (0) black
0% (0) blue
2% (3) green
0% (0) red
4% (6) other

134 voters have answered this question.

how many times do you go to the bathroom a day to use the toilet?

5% (7) 1
6% (9) 2
16% (22) 3
16% (22) 4
18% (25) 5
11% (15) 6
24% (32) more

132 voters have answered this question.

how do you hang the toilet paper?

56% (75) over the roll
15% (20) under the roll
1% (2) vertically
26% (35) never noticed

132 voters have answered this question.

what type of toilet paper do you use?

26% (34) charmin
8% (11) cottenelle
3% (5) scott
7% (10) angel soft
2% (3) quilted nothern
51% (67) other

130 voters have answered this question.

do you courtesy flush?

38% (50) yes
61% (81) no

131 voters have answered this question.

do you read while on the toilet?

21% (29) yes
39% (52) no
39% (52) depends on how long im in there for

133 voters have answered this question.

if so what do you read

30% (27) magazines
7% (7) novels
6% (6) newspaper
55% (49) other

89 voters have answered this question.

what flavour chips are your favorite?

3% (4) ketchup
0% (1) all dressed
18% (22) barbecue
24% (29) salt and vinegar
3% (4) dill pickle
13% (16) sour cream and chedar
35% (41) other

117 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-12-09 03:16:22 by gang_starr
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