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Did you ever successfully convert an athiest to your religion?

I wanted to know how many people actually managed to do it. I want to show my religious friend, who wants to preach, an unbiased view on how difficult or easy his job might be.

What is your religion?

75% (3) Christianity (Protestant, Catholic, Later Day Saints, Mormon, etc)
0% (0) Islam (Sunni, Shia, Sufi, etc)
0% (0) Indian Religions in Consitution of India (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddism, Sikhism)
0% (0) Eastern/Oriental Religions (Shinto, Tao, etc)
25% (1) Other (Not stated here or unsure which to pick)

4 voters have answered this question.

What sex is your friend?

50% (2) Male
50% (2) Female
0% (0) Transgender
0% (0) Hermaphordite

4 voters have answered this question.

Did you ever try to convert or try to interest your athiest friend in your religion more than once?

100% (4) Yes
0% (0) No

4 voters have answered this question.

Were your attempts to convert your friend successful?

50% (2) No, the friend was hostile.
25% (1) No, the friend ignored me.
25% (1) Yes, the friend converted to my religion.

4 voters have answered this question.

If your attempts were successful, why do you think so?

50% (2) My God was always with them and finally got to them.
0% (0) My friend was worried about going to hell and decided to convert.
0% (0) My friend had some mysterious miracle happen to them that made them convert.
0% (0) I told them that they confused belief with real life or that God existed outside the physical realm.
0% (0) I think just how often I preached to them helped.
50% (2) My attempts were not successful.

4 voters have answered this question.

If your attempts were not successful, why do you think so?

25% (1) My friend is the victim of Satantic influences that blind him/her from God.
0% (0) My friend to prideful or stubborn.
25% (1) The friend seems to march to the beat of their own drum and would never consider following anyone else's and that includes God's drum.
50% (2) My friend is passionate about knowledge, science and logic that has seemed to replace his/her need for a belief system.
0% (0) I did not explain the religion as well as I should have.
25% (1) My friend was hurt by that religion in the past and is scared of coming back.
0% (0) The friend was raised differently.
25% (1) My attempts were ultimately successful.

4 voters have answered this question.

Do you worry about your athiest friend?

50% (2) All the time. He/she is a good person. I do not anything bad to happen to them.
25% (1) Most of the time. I even to intercessions on their behalf.
50% (2) Sometimes. But he/she seems so confident that it gives me a reason not to.
25% (1) Rarely. He/she seem hellbent on ignoring God's path. Why bother?

4 voters have answered this question.

Did your athiest friend ever gave you reason to doubt a certain part of your religion or possibly the religion itself?

75% (3) Multiple times.
0% (0) One time.
25% (1) Not at all.

4 voters have answered this question.

If there was any doubt caused by them, why?

66% (2) They pointed out something in my religion I never saw before.
0% (0) They just seemed so confident that it gave me pause.
100% (3) Their passion and enthusiasm for logic, science, and knowledge made me think that there might be even more than what my religion states.
33% (1) They seem to have some immense inner power.
0% (0) They are just so nice, forgiving, and friendly like they are with God but they refuse to follow one. It made me think religion might not be necessary.

3 voters have answered this question.

What do you think God thinks of your athiest friend (when they were an athiest and if they are still an athiest)?

0% (0) God is mourning a lost child.
0% (0) God is frustrated because he cannot reach them.
0% (0) God is angry at them for belittling his glory.
100% (4) God still loves them dearly.
25% (1) God admires the fiesty and independent spirit that they have.

4 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following do you think happens more often?

50% (2) An athiest being converted to a religion.
50% (2) A religious person decides to become to an athiest.

4 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following do you think is easier to make happen?

50% (2) An athiest being converted to a religion.
50% (2) A religious person decides to become an athiest.

4 voters have answered this question.

If you were considering to preach to "nonbelievers" would you find the results of this poll helpful?

25% (1) Yes
25% (1) No.
50% (2) Somewhat.
0% (0) Better than nothing.

4 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-09-08 22:36:01 by computerlover1991
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