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Your choices in entertainment

This survey is intended to gather information regarding current audience trends in the entertainment industry.

What is your primary choice of mainstream entertainment?

31% (16) Television
5% (3) Film
11% (6) Video games
19% (10) Music
31% (16) Internet surfing

51 voters have answered this question.

On average, how many hours do you spend a WEEK doing the following? Watch TV _____ | Watch films _____ | Play video games _____ | Listen to music _____ | Browse the internet _____

No graph available for this question

51 voters have answered this question.

How do you find out about other forms of entertainment that you enjoy?

35% (18) Ads in print (newspapers, magazines, journals)
31% (16) Ads on display (public places, favourite shops)
33% (17) Online advertisements
17% (9) Via e-mail
72% (37) Word of mouth
15% (8) Other (please specify)

51 voters have answered this question.

Do you watch internet TV?

45% (23) Yes (please specify)
45% (23) No
9% (5) Don't know what that is

51 voters have answered this question.

Would you watch (more) internet TV so long as it stays free and features shows you enjoy?

70% (36) Yes
17% (9) No
11% (6) NA, don't know what that is

51 voters have answered this question.

What genre do you gravitate toward the most? Select as many as you wish, by try to limit to top 5 favourites.

50% (26) Action/Adventure
29% (15) Thriller/Horror
82% (42) Comedy
31% (16) Romance
47% (24) Drama
29% (15) Documentary
3% (2) Mockumentary
31% (16) Reality Show
39% (20) Mystery
29% (15) Fantasy
35% (18) Science Fiction
39% (20) Movies/shows based on books/games
27% (14) Children's/Family

51 voters have answered this question.

Name a sitcom story idea of film idea that you "wish someone would make" but they haven't. Example: "would love to see a documentary on my favorite cause" etc. (optional)

No graph available for this question

26 voters have answered this question.

Your age group (optional, but helpful)

18% (9) Teens
28% (14) 20-24
26% (13) 25-29
10% (5) 30-34
4% (2) 35-39
8% (4) 40-44
0% (0) 45-50
4% (2) 50+

49 voters have answered this question.

Occupation status (optional)

18% (9) Self-employed
28% (14) Student
4% (2) Unemployed
50% (25) Employed

50 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-09-30 16:09:42 by morespunky
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