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Corporal Punishment in High School

Your views on school punishments

Are you male or female?

68% (269) Male
31% (126) Female

395 voters have answered this question.

What age range do you belong to?

40% (155) 18-24
17% (68) 25-35
16% (64) 35-45
24% (93) Over 45

380 voters have answered this question.

Should high school students be given corporal punishment?

1% (4) Yes, it should be part of the disciplinary procedure
2% (8) No, not at all
30% (122) Yes but only male students
66% (261) Yes and both sexes should receive it

395 voters have answered this question.

Should punishments be given on the outstretched palms of the hands with a cane or ruler?

66% (264) Yes, for girls
75% (300) yes for boys

395 voters have answered this question.

Should students be punished on the bottom?

86% (343) Yes for boys
59% (236) yes for girls

395 voters have answered this question.

Should punishment be given in public, in front of the other students?

87% (347) Yes for boys
57% (229) Yes for girls

395 voters have answered this question.

If punished in private, should the culprit...

29% (116) Raise or take off her skirt, or lower her trousers
46% (185) Take down or remove his trousers
69% (273) Bare his bottom
44% (177) Bare her bottom

395 voters have answered this question.

Should a culprit only be punished by someone of the same gender?

60% (237) It doesn't matter
22% (90) Yes, always
18% (73) Only if the culprit has to undress

395 voters have answered this question.

Should a student ever be punished in public and be made to undress?

22% (90) No, never
28% (113) Yes, but only if they had done something very bad
45% (178) Yes, and for any offence that a teacher or headmaster or principal thinks desirable
27% (110) What I ticked above, but only for boys
21% (83) What I ticked above and for either sex

395 voters have answered this question.

Should the bare bottom ever be punished in public in front of the culprit's peers?

20% (81) No, never
23% (94) Only for the most serious offences
31% (126) Only for boys
30% (119) For both sexes
32% (128) For any offence the teacher or principal desires

395 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-10-01 03:09:24 by sassybabe
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