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What Should I Do?

I just moved to a new high school and there's this girl I like but i don't know what to do...

first how old are you

4% (1) <13
19% (4) 13
9% (2) 14
14% (3) 15
19% (4) 16
9% (2) 17
9% (2) 18
9% (2) 19
0% (0) 20
4% (1) 20<

21 voters have answered this question.

are you boy or girl

66% (14) boy
33% (7) girl

21 voters have answered this question.

I don't know the girl too much what should I do first

90% (19) Say hi and talk with her
42% (9) Go up to her and introduce myself
9% (2) Stalk her to find out what she likes
4% (1) ask her out (even though we barely know each other)
9% (2) just sit at the table next to hers and hope she talks to me first

21 voters have answered this question.

One big iffy, that I don't know about her is if she has a boyfriend right now.

57% (12) Talk to her and see if she does
4% (1) Stalk her and see who she hangs out with
38% (8) ask around see if she is
0% (0) don't do anything and hop she notices me

21 voters have answered this question.

I don't see her much during the day only my last period and my lunch(sometimes) oh i almost forgot and during one class change (rarely), if I was to ask her out when should I if i did.

42% (9) during the last period class there aren't alot of people there
42% (9) during lunch, I'll seem braver than I actually am
9% (2) during the class change, because there aren't as many people who know who we are walking down the hall
4% (1) call her and ask her out(read next question first)

21 voters have answered this question.

I don't know her number(or anyone's) how is a good way to ask her number

42% (9) just go up and ask and hope she'll say yes
9% (2) stalk her to find it out(somehow)
33% (7) ask her out first then get her number
14% (3) ask around school see if anyone (of my few friends) know

21 voters have answered this question.

Anything else i could use to improve this poll?

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4 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-10-03 21:20:14 by byebob
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