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Growing up in a strict house

This is for kids/teens with strict parents, and how they raise you.

How old are you?

6% (56) 10
4% (36) 11
9% (82) 12
10% (87) 13
16% (137) 14
14% (122) 15
12% (103) 16
26% (226) 17

849 voters have answered this question.

Male or Female

53% (451) Female
46% (398) Male

849 voters have answered this question.

Are your parents strict?

96% (822) Yes
3% (27) No

849 voters have answered this question.

Do you get spanked?

97% (824) Yes
2% (25) No

849 voters have answered this question.

If you get spanked, do you get your pants pulled down/skirt lifted?

96% (794) Yes
3% (33) No

827 voters have answered this question.

If yes, do you get spanked bare bottom?

94% (778) Yes
5% (42) No

820 voters have answered this question.

What do you get spanked with? (check as many as apply)

64% (533) Hand
27% (227) Spoon
51% (424) Hairbrush
56% (466) Belt
16% (138) Shoe/slipper
13% (111) Paddle-ball paddle
15% (130) Ping-pong paddle
29% (243) Large wood paddle
13% (108) leather paddle
29% (247) Cane
26% (217) Switch
8% (66) Cord
27% (224) strap/tawse

824 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-06-19 00:36:02 by cheerkid
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