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Screwed Up What-ifs!

What would you do if... taken to a new level. Not for the faint of heart. I always respond to e-mail, so feel free to contact me and expect a quick reply.
Lets start with some easy ones: What would you do if you walked into your room and you saw yourself staring back at you?
Try to beat them in a staring contest
Run to the nearest psychiatrist
Take a nap, hoping it's all gone when you wake up
Ask mom why she never told you about your twin
Lay something heavy over their head immediately
Run around and scream like a wussy-girly-man
Eh... whats new? I could care less
What would you do if you woke up and you were in MY sexy body, in MY room?
Go back to sleep and pray it was just a dream
Go out and impress girls with MY rock-hard abs
Try to contact whoever has YOUR body
Commit Hary-Karry
Try to assume my identity
Start a Rock and Roll band!
Become a member of Jackass and abuse my body
Try to get ME put in jail
Now lets make things more interesting: What would you do if you picked up your ringing phone and heard somebody say, "Hello Sydney... I know where you are..." and then they described to you what you were wearing and what you were doing?
Slam the phone down and get out dad's gun
Keep talking to them and try to freak THEM out
Keep talking to them to try and figure this out
Say, wrong number goodbye!
Calmly hang up and make illogical reasoning
Sleep with your eyes open from now on
Fake your death and change identity and location
I don't own a phone :-p
I hate emoticons
What would you do if you had a girlfriend/boyfriend (already delving into impossibility) and she said, "Honey, I have a deep dark secret I was afraid to tell you but I know you'll understand..."
Pray that they didn't have a sex change
Interrupt with, I know you can't be trusted bye!
Lets have it SAMMY!
(Act like they said something bad) I HATE YOU!!
This had BETTER be good, watching Bob the Builder
Guns don't kill people, I DO!
What would you do if you had 10 Million blankets!?
Give one to EVERY person
Hoard them all, All for me... nobody else...
Sell the "magic carpets" at absurd prices
Burn them all out of your sick necessity for badness. You bad person you!
What if bananas were oranges?
Stop eating oranges
Stop eating bananas
Stop eating pineapples
Stop being a vegetarian
Eating plants is for rabbits n' girls!
I could care less
What if pink wasn't called pink?
Stop wearing pink
Stop wearing... THAT ONE COLOR
I never wear pink
I'm colorblind, or at least I aspire to one day be
I could care less
What if you were never born?
Well Good Lord, what would the world do!?
MANY people's lives would be better
MANY people wouldn't have any lives worth living
Go to sleep, and hope it's over when you wake up
I could care less
Just makes me appreciate my wasted life
Just makes me glad for those around me I was born
Just makes me want some OPOSSOM soup
What if roosters could lay eggs? Then what would chickens lay?
What difference does it make, I'm not a rooster!
Or do you mean genders, using example:chickens?
I don't care, that's woman's work!
I'm illiterate so what the hell did you ask?
What would you do if for one day, nothing could kill you?
Become a member of Jackass
Do what I normally do
Be careful just in case it's opposite day
Go and mess with people
Go mess with the Mafia
Become a member of the Mafia
But wait, im not Italian... (but I am, ha ha ha)
What if you could have one wish, like 1/3 of a genie?
I wish for world peace!
I want a bike and a Playstation and some glue...
I wish I was 5,000 feet tall! ROOAARR!!
I wish I had a turtle shell
I wish I wasnt so freaking ugly!
What if you were invisible for one day?
Mess with people!
Do some serious snooping around
Man, those all sound good.. along with others too
What if you were the only person left on earth?
Find a monkey to mate with.
What if there was no gravity?
I would fly (technicaly jump) higher than anyone
Be VERY careful (as to not end up in outer space)
I would test the theory that there is no air in outer space
Gravity is just a government lie... right?
eh.. I could care less
Similarly, what if you could fly? But nobody else could.
I would laugh at people from Cloud 9
I would pick up people and carry them away
Or drop them from great heights
I would get vertigo
I would go to the center of the earth!!
I would become a superhero
I would keep a low profile to avoid being tested by the government
It's hard to breathe at great heights, so I'm fine down here
Who needs air? Not me 'cause I can fly!!!!!
I don't wear pink
Eating plants is for rabbits n' girls!!
I wouldn't because flying is impossible O_o
Hypothetical questions aside, honestly, what did you think of my quiz? And if you have any suggestions just contact me, I would love to hear them.
I LOVE that quiz, and you ;)
It was a good quiz but too long
It was a good quiz but it wasn't very funny
Why didn't any of the responses pertain to me?
Why did you use such 'big words'?
It was merely okay
I didn't like it at all because I have no sense of humor
Blam this piece of crap!
I just wish there were more questions
This poll was created on 2004-01-26 23:03:57 by Ironfist