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Screwed Up What-ifs!

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What would you do if... taken to a new level. Not for the faint of heart. I always respond to e-mail, so feel free to contact me and expect a quick reply.

Lets start with some easy ones: What would you do if you walked into your room and you saw yourself staring back at you?

27% (5) Try to beat them in a staring contest
16% (3) Run to the nearest psychiatrist
27% (5) Take a nap, hoping it's all gone when you wake up
11% (2) Ask mom why she never told you about your twin
0% (0) Lay something heavy over their head immediately
5% (1) Run around and scream like a wussy-girly-man
11% (2) Eh... whats new? I could care less

18 voters have answered this question.

What would you do if you woke up and you were in MY sexy body, in MY room?

29% (5) Go back to sleep and pray it was just a dream
23% (4) Go out and impress girls with MY rock-hard abs
35% (6) Try to contact whoever has YOUR body
0% (0) Commit Hary-Karry
0% (0) Try to assume my identity
0% (0) Start a Rock and Roll band!
5% (1) Become a member of Jackass and abuse my body
5% (1) Try to get ME put in jail

17 voters have answered this question.

Now lets make things more interesting: What would you do if you picked up your ringing phone and heard somebody say, "Hello Sydney... I know where you are..." and then they described to you what you were wearing and what you were doing?

17% (3) Slam the phone down and get out dad's gun
29% (5) Keep talking to them and try to freak THEM out
11% (2) Keep talking to them to try and figure this out
11% (2) Say, wrong number goodbye!
17% (3) Calmly hang up and make illogical reasoning
0% (0) Sleep with your eyes open from now on
0% (0) Fake your death and change identity and location
0% (0) I don't own a phone :-p
5% (1) I hate emoticons

17 voters have answered this question.

What would you do if you had a girlfriend/boyfriend (already delving into impossibility) and she said, "Honey, I have a deep dark secret I was afraid to tell you but I know you'll understand..."

47% (8) Pray that they didn't have a sex change
5% (1) Interrupt with, I know you can't be trusted bye!
11% (2) Lets have it SAMMY!
0% (0) (Act like they said something bad) I HATE YOU!!
17% (3) This had BETTER be good, watching Bob the Builder
11% (2) Guns don't kill people, I DO!

17 voters have answered this question.

What would you do if you had 10 Million blankets!?

50% (8) Give one to EVERY person
18% (3) Hoard them all, All for me... nobody else...
31% (5) Sell the "magic carpets" at absurd prices
0% (0) Burn them all out of your sick necessity for badness. You bad person you!

16 voters have answered this question.

What if bananas were oranges?

6% (1) Stop eating oranges
12% (2) Stop eating bananas
0% (0) Stop eating pineapples
6% (1) Stop being a vegetarian
6% (1) Eating plants is for rabbits n' girls!
68% (11) I could care less

16 voters have answered this question.

What if pink wasn't called pink?

0% (0) Stop wearing pink
0% (0) Stop wearing... THAT ONE COLOR
41% (7) I never wear pink
0% (0) I'm colorblind, or at least I aspire to one day be
58% (10) I could care less

17 voters have answered this question.

What if you were never born?

25% (4) Well Good Lord, what would the world do!?
6% (1) MANY people's lives would be better
6% (1) MANY people wouldn't have any lives worth living
18% (3) Go to sleep, and hope it's over when you wake up
25% (4) I could care less
0% (0) Just makes me appreciate my wasted life
6% (1) Just makes me glad for those around me I was born
0% (0) Just makes me want some OPOSSOM soup

16 voters have answered this question.

What if roosters could lay eggs? Then what would chickens lay?

41% (7) What difference does it make, I'm not a rooster!
41% (7) Or do you mean genders, using example:chickens?
11% (2) I don't care, that's woman's work!
5% (1) I'm illiterate so what the hell did you ask?

17 voters have answered this question.

What would you do if for one day, nothing could kill you?

6% (1) Become a member of Jackass
25% (4) Do what I normally do
25% (4) Be careful just in case it's opposite day
37% (6) Go and mess with people
0% (0) Go mess with the Mafia
6% (1) Become a member of the Mafia
0% (0) But wait, im not Italian... (but I am, ha ha ha)

16 voters have answered this question.

What if you could have one wish, like 1/3 of a genie?

29% (5) I wish for world peace!
41% (7) I want a bike and a Playstation and some glue...
5% (1) I wish I was 5,000 feet tall! ROOAARR!!
11% (2) I wish I had a turtle shell
11% (2) I wish I wasnt so freaking ugly!

17 voters have answered this question.

What if you were invisible for one day?

11% (2) Run around NAKED! WWOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
0% (0) Mess with people!
23% (4) Do some serious snooping around
64% (11) Man, those all sound good.. along with others too

17 voters have answered this question.

What if you were the only person left on earth?

100% (12) Find a monkey to mate with.

12 voters have answered this question.

What if there was no gravity?

5% (1) I would fly (technicaly jump) higher than anyone
29% (5) Be VERY careful (as to not end up in outer space)
5% (1) I would test the theory that there is no air in outer space
17% (3) Gravity is just a government lie... right?
17% (3) eh.. I could care less

17 voters have answered this question.

Similarly, what if you could fly? But nobody else could.

17% (3) I would laugh at people from Cloud 9
5% (1) I would pick up people and carry them away
5% (1) Or drop them from great heights
0% (0) I would get vertigo
0% (0) I would go to the center of the earth!!
17% (3) I would become a superhero
35% (6) I would keep a low profile to avoid being tested by the government
0% (0) It's hard to breathe at great heights, so I'm fine down here
5% (1) Who needs air? Not me 'cause I can fly!!!!!
5% (1) I don't wear pink
0% (0) Eating plants is for rabbits n' girls!!
5% (1) I wouldn't because flying is impossible O_o

17 voters have answered this question.

Hypothetical questions aside, honestly, what did you think of my quiz? And if you have any suggestions just contact me, I would love to hear them.

29% (5) I LOVE that quiz, and you ;)
0% (0) It was a good quiz but too long
5% (1) It was a good quiz but it wasn't very funny
11% (2) Why didn't any of the responses pertain to me?
5% (1) Why did you use such 'big words'?
5% (1) It was merely okay
5% (1) I didn't like it at all because I have no sense of humor
17% (3) Blam this piece of crap!
17% (3) I just wish there were more questions

17 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-01-26 23:03:57 by Ironfist
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