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What's Your MBTI?

Being successful in Life is partially determined by how well you know yourself. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator provides a means by which you can understand yourself better. Tell the world what your MBTI type!

What's Your MBTI?

5% (651) ENFJ
11% (1250) ENFP
5% (576) ENTJ
6% (732) ENTP
3% (366) ESFJ
2% (288) ESFP
2% (258) ESTP
10% (1156) INTJ
8% (936) INTP
3% (343) ESTJ
9% (1037) INFJ
11% (1306) INFP
3% (422) ISFP
5% (584) ISFJ
4% (512) ISTP
6% (670) ISTJ

11087 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-10-24 01:22:07 by Betty C. Jung
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