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Favorite Doughnut poll

doughnut flavors

what's your favorite glazed doughnut?

60% (30) original glazed
6% (3) maple iced glaze
8% (4) glazed cinnamon
18% (9) glazed cruller
8% (4) glazed blueberry cake

50 voters have answered this question.

what's your favorite chocolate doughnut?

14% (7) glazed devil's food cake
8% (4) chocolate iced glaze
6% (3) chocolate iced cruller
32% (16) chocolate iced glazed with sprinkles
26% (13) chocolate iced creme filled
12% (6) chocolate iced custard filled

49 voters have answered this question.

what's your favorite filled doughnut?

6% (3) cinnamon appled filled
36% (17) glazed creme filled
21% (10) powdered strawberry filled
23% (11) glazed raspberry filled
10% (5) glazed lemon filled

46 voters have answered this question.

what type of doughnut taste best?

32% (16) glazed
42% (21) chocolate
2% (1) powdered
8% (4) filled with jelly
16% (8) filled with creme/custard

50 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-12-16 15:24:26 by lickalottalollipop
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