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Imagine a life without the Internet.

Could you imagine the world without the internet? Think about it no more hassal no more cyber bullying but then their would be no Twitter, Facebook, Youtube or MR POLL!

Could you imagine life without the internet?

22% (32) Yes , I think it is dangerous and false, besides half the stuff is rubbish.
77% (109) No the internet helps my buisness, my social life , my knowledge and trillions of other things.

141 voters have answered this question.

Does your social life depend on the Internet?

33% (47) Yes, I have friends all over the world thanks to the internet.
66% (94) No, besides the only true way to make friends is to meet them in person.

141 voters have answered this question.

Do you watch videos on the internet?

79% (112) Yes, I am always on youtube and I enjoy having the freedom of seeing everything I want.
20% (29) No, the pausing sucks and I keep to TV.

141 voters have answered this question.

Do you look for singles on the internet?

14% (21) Yes I do.
11% (16) Already found someone.
73% (104) No, it is unromantic.

141 voters have answered this question.

Do you think the internet is dangerous?

58% (82) Yes
41% (59) No

141 voters have answered this question.

Do you like the modern era or would you live in another.

68% (97) Yes, internet, Mr Poll, Youtube, iPads and medical breakthroughs.
31% (44) No, freedom and country lanes and village where happy days go by.

141 voters have answered this question.

Do you think the internet is a waste of time, should we be outdoors and living-life.

66% (90) Everything in moderation.
17% (23) Yes we should make the most of our life and enjoy it while we can.
16% (22) No the internet is enjoying life.

135 voters have answered this question.

Out of these websites which is your favourite?

42% (58) Youtube
22% (31) Facebook
3% (5) Twitter
5% (8) Mr Poll
24% (33) Other

135 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-12-20 16:56:18 by kashmiran
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