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Is Cussing in Public Socially Acceptable?

This is a poll to determine if cussing in public is socially acceptable.

Do you use cuss words on a daily basis?

62% (247) Yes
37% (151) No

398 voters have answered this question.

Do you frequently use cuss words in public places (grocery stores, shopping malls, public parks)?

16% (65) Yes
42% (170) No
35% (139) Occasionally
5% (23) All the time

397 voters have answered this question.

What is your opinion of people who use cuss words in public places (grocery stores, shopping malls, public parks)?

43% (172) They seem unintelligent
5% (20) They seem intelligent
51% (204) They seem neither intelligent nor unintelligent

396 voters have answered this question.

Hypothetically, if you were in a public place with your children and heard someone using cuss words profusely what would you do?

19% (77) Ask them to stop
50% (202) Leave the area
29% (118) Nothing. There is nothing wrong with cussing in public places where children are present.

397 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-01-10 04:17:37 by m5chaos
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