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Sagging Pants

How much do you like sagging?
It's okay
I like it
It's fun
I love it!
What kind of pants do you sag in?
Boardshorts (Billabong, Hurley)
Basketball Shorts (Nike, adidas)
Cargo Shorts (Hollister, A&F, American Eagle, Aéropostale)
Cargo Pants (same as above)
Jeans (American Eagle, Hollister, Aero, Diesel, Levi's)
Where do you like to sag?
The stores
The mall
Church (tsk)
At work (don't get yourself fired)
At school (no uniforms)
School (with uniforms)
With friends
Around parents (which is weird)
If you do sag around your folks, how do they act?
They're totally fine with it ("You're sagging! Cool.")
They don't know you do. ("I wonder how he dresses when we're not around?")
They just don't care. ("Here's the keys. See ya, plaid ass.")
They don't like it. ("God, I wish Larry Platt was here.")
What kind of undies do you like to wear?
tighty-whities (to each his own)
boxers (plaid)
boxers (satin)
breifs (cartoon)
briefs (bright colors)
boxers (design [AE, A&F, Hollister, smiley faces, polka dotted])
Why do you sag?
It's comfortable
It's fun!
To impress the chicks!
My friends do it. Why not?
Take that, society! Look at my pattered ass!
This poll was created on 2011-01-16 10:05:07 by Cas94