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Epic Mickey

Epic Mickey is yet another Mickey Mouse video game, and is Mickey's biggest video game breakthrough since the Kingdom Hearts series started. It's only been out for about a month now, and it's already becoming very popular. Do you like this game?

Which do you think is more epic, Epic Mickey or Kingdom Hearts

16% (1) Epic Mickey
66% (4) Kingdom Hearts
16% (1) They're both equally epic

6 voters have answered this question.

Epic Mickey is not only the revival of Mickey Mouse, but also the return of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.

16% (1) Oswald? Who the hell is Oswald?
66% (4) Oh yeah, I know him! I heard he was popular.
16% (1) Oh, I've heard about that useless idiot.

6 voters have answered this question.

The Gremlins also return (no, it's not that 80's horror movie)

16% (1) What are Gremlins?
83% (5) Oh yeah, those guys were cool!
0% (0) Ugh, I hated those annoying flying maniacs!

6 voters have answered this question.

Epic Mickey is an adventure game. Do you think that was a good idea?

33% (2) Yes, adventure games are cool (involves combat, puzzle solving, and an epic storyline).
50% (3) No, it should've been a platforming game (involves little storyline, running and jumping through levels, and various items).
16% (1) No, it should've been a role playing game (involves leveling up, turn-based combat, and an epic storyline).

6 voters have answered this question.

In the game, Mickey uses a magic paintbrush as a weapon. He can use paint to create certain objects and befriend enemies, and thinner to erase certain objects and kill enemies. Do you think he should have other fighting methods as well?

50% (2) I like the magic paintbrush.
50% (2) Mickey should have hand-to-hand combat moves (punching, kicking, wrestling moves, etc.).
25% (1) Mickey should have fantasy weapons (sword, bow & arrow, boomerang, etc.).
25% (1) Mickey should have science fiction weapons (laser, lightsaber, etc.).
25% (1) Mickey should have superpowers (please specify which ones in messages).

4 voters have answered this question.

And finally, there is a catch to this game, so you should probably read this if you don't have this game and want to be sure you want it. The catch is your actions and decisions in the game will determine what storyline you'll follow, and what ending you'll get. This IS confusing and irritating, but it actually is a very unique feature since that means THERE IS NO WRONG WAY TO PLAY THE GAME. Unless of course, you always get a game over. Now let me explain, whatever ending and story you get from being good (painting things, helping others, befriending enemies, etc.), you'll get pretty much the opposite from being bad (erasing things and enemies, refusing to help others, etc.). I also hear that you can get a SHOCKING third story and ending, and you get by being good and bad equally. Also, the strategy guide suggests that you be either good or bad, beat the game, play again making different decisions, beat the game again, and play AGAIN to see if you can get the third storyline. The playthrough in the strategy guide also tells you to be good, so if you want to be bad, do the opposite of what it says, and to get the third story, do about half the things the guides says. Now, tell me your opinion on the whole decision-making feature.

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3 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-01-11 20:45:38 by Epic Gamer
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