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Mortal Kombat DLC Poll

What characters you want to see as DLC? (You can choose more than 1)

3% (39) New character
1% (13) Dark Monk
43% (513) Ashrah
1% (22) Blaze
2% (32) Bo Rai Cho
4% (48) Chameleon
1% (18) Daegon
43% (508) Dairou
41% (494) Darrius
1% (15) Drahmin
5% (64) Frost
3% (47) Fujin
4% (55) Havik
1% (19) Hotaru
41% (490) Hsu Hao
1% (22) Jarek
2% (25) Kai
5% (60) Kenshi
53% (633) Khameleon
2% (33) Kintaro
1% (16) Kira
1% (15) Kobra
45% (534) Li Mei
42% (505) Mavado
2% (26) Meat
0% (4) Mokap
1% (17) Moloch
3% (42) Motaro
2% (33) Nitara
1% (22) Onaga
8% (106) Rain
4% (50) Reiko
2% (29) Sareena
1% (13) Sheeva
4% (49) Shinnok
1% (17) Shujinko
6% (75) Smoke (cyborg)
46% (546) Tanya
0% (10) Taven
3% (46) Tremor

1178 voters have answered this question.

What alt costumes you want to see as DLC? (You can choose more than 1)

24% (76) new costumes
24% (75) CYBORGS MK3
23% (73) female ninjas UMK3
22% (69) NINJAS MK2
24% (76) ninjas UMK3
15% (49) BARAKA MK2
15% (47) baraka MKG
14% (45) baraka MKD primary
12% (39) baraka MKD alt (MK2 upgrade)
12% (38) baraka MKvsDC
13% (43) CYRAX MKG alt - maskless
13% (41) cyrax MKDA/MKA primary
13% (43) cyrax MKDA/MKA alt - maskless
16% (52) GORO MK1
15% (47) goro MKA
20% (65) JADE MKD/MKA primary
58% (181) jade MKSM
17% (54) JAX MK2
14% (44) jax MK3
11% (36) jax MK4 alt (white with t-shirt)
10% (32) jax MKvsDC
15% (49) JOHNNY CAGE MK1
12% (38) johnny cage MK2
11% (37) johnny cage MKT
11% (36) johnny cage MKDA/MKA primary
12% (38) johnny cage MKSM
15% (47) johnny cage tuxedo
15% (47) KABAL MK3
13% (41) kabal MKD/MKA primary
13% (43) kabal MKD/MKA alt
17% (55) KANO MK1
16% (50) kano MK3
11% (35) kano MKDA/MKA primary
12% (39) kano MKDA/MKA alt - MK1 upgrade
9% (30) kano MKvsDC
19% (59) KITANA MKG maskless
19% (60) kitana MKDA/MKA primary maskless
17% (55) kitana MKDA/MKA alt
17% (53) kitana MKvsDC
19% (59) kitana MKSM
13% (41) KUNG LAO MK2
14% (44) kung lao MK3
12% (40) kung lao MKDA primary/MKA alt - hat on the back
10% (34) kung lao MKDA alt/MKA primary
10% (34) kung lao MKSM
13% (43) LIU KANG MK1
12% (39) liu kang MK2/MK3
11% (35) liu kang MK4 primary - with t-shirt
11% (37) liu kang MK4 alt - black & white
10% (31) liu kang MKD chost
11% (35) liu kang MKD/MKA zombie
15% (49) MILEENA MKG
21% (68) mileena MKD/MKA primary
19% (60) mileena MKSM
12% (39) NOOB SAIBOT MK4 primary
12% (38) noob saibot MK4 alt - dead torso
12% (39) noob saibot MK4 alt - with hood
13% (41) noob saibot MKD/MKA all black
10% (33) noob saibot MKD/MKA with normal skin
14% (46) RAIDEN MK1
12% (40) raiden MK2
10% (33) raiden MK4 primary
10% (31) raiden MK4 alt
11% (37) raiden MKDA - hat on the back
11% (37) raiden MKDA - with cape
10% (34) raiden MKD/MKA primary
10% (34) raiden MKD/MKA alt
8% (27) raiden MKvSDC
14% (45) REPTILE MK4 primary
16% (50) reptile mk4 alt - UMK3 ninja with lizard skin
13% (41) reptile MKDA primary/MKA alt
12% (39) reptile MKDA alt
14% (46) reptile MKA primary/MKSM
13% (43) SCORPION MK4 gray & maskless
11% (37) scorpion MKDA primary
14% (45) scorpion MKDA alt - maskless
11% (36) scorpion MKD primary/MKA alt
9% (29) scorpion MKvsDC
10% (33) scorpion MKSM
11% (35) SEKTOR MKA primary
11% (37) sektor MKA alt
14% (45) shang tsung MK2
15% (48) shang tsung MK3
12% (40) shang tsung MKDA/MKA primary
11% (36) shang tsung MKDA/MKA alt
10% (31) shang tsung MKvsDC
14% (44) SHAO KAHN MK2/MK3
10% (34) shao kahn MKD/MKvsDC
11% (35) shao kahn MKSM
16% (52) SMOKE MKSM human
16% (51) SINDEL MK3
16% (51) sindel MKD/MKA primary
16% (50) sindel MKD/MKA alt
18% (57) SONYA MK1
22% (70) sonya mK3
18% (57) sonya MK4
17% (53) sonya MK4 alt - without hat
18% (57) sonya MKDA primary/MKA alt - full uniform
16% (50) sonya MKDA alt/MKA primary
16% (52) sonya MKvsDC
19% (59) sonya MKSM
17% (54) SUB-ZERO MK3
10% (32) sub-zero MK4 primary
12% (38) sub-zero MK4 alt - maskless with frozen hands
12% (38) sub-zero MK4 alt - ninja with frozen hands & legs
12% (39) sub-zero MKDA primary - maskless old man
12% (38) sub-zero MKDA alt/MKA primary
16% (50) sub-zero MKD primary/MKA alt - Shredder from TMNT
11% (37) sub-zero MKD alt - bald
10% (31) sub-zero MKvsDC
9% (29) sub-zero MKvsDC with pre release mask
11% (36) sub-zero MKSM

310 voters have answered this question.

What arenas you want to see as DLC? (You can choose...)

45% (69) new arenas
33% (51) EVIL TOWER MK2
27% (42) evil tower MKA
30% (46) FIRE WELL MK4
24% (37) fire well MKA
33% (52) GRAVEYARD MK3
20% (32) graveyard MKvsDC
40% (62) PORTAL MK2
28% (44) portal MK2 blue version (GEN)
25% (39) portal MK3
26% (41) portal UMK3
24% (38) portal mKDA
24% (37) portal MKD
22% (35) portal MKA
29% (45) reptile's lair MKA
26% (40) tekunin prison MKA
25% (39) wastelands MKA
19% (30) wu shi academy MKvsDC
29% (45) pit bottom MK1
29% (45) warrior's shrine MK1
32% (49) KOMBAT TOMB MK2
27% (42) BALCONY MK3
26% (41) bank MK3
26% (41) bridge MK3
28% (43) soul chamber MK3
29% (45) street MK3
26% (41) CAVE UMK3
26% (41) waterfront UMK3
26% (41) ARCTIKA MK4
28% (44) elder gods MK4
22% (35) shaolin temple MK4
22% (35) tomb MK4
22% (35) wind world MK4
21% (33) wind world MK4 blood rain version
22% (35) dragonfly MKDA
22% (35) drum arena MKDA
24% (38) house of pekara MKDA
26% (40) kuatan palace MKDA
24% (38) lava shrine MKDA
33% (51) lin kuei temple MKDA
23% (36) lost tomb MKDA
20% (32) lung hai temple MKDA
26% (40) nethership MKDA
23% (36) palace grounds MKDA
22% (35) sarna ruins MKDA
28% (44) shang tsung's palace MKDA
24% (38) swamp MKDA
25% (39) chamber of artifacts MKD
25% (39) dark prison MKD
24% (37) dragon king's temple MKD
22% (35) dragon mountain MKD
24% (37) falling cliffs MKD
24% (37) golden desert MKD
25% (39) hell's foundry MKD
26% (40) liu kang's tomb MKD
24% (38) lower mines MKD
23% (36) nethership interior MKD
25% (39) nexus MKD
28% (44) quan chi's fortress MKD
29% (45) slaughterhouse MKD
27% (42) sky temple MKD
26% (40) yin yang island MKD
22% (35) meteor storm MKA
27% (42) pyramid of argus MKA
25% (39) outworld spire MKA
26% (40) reiko's war room MKA
28% (44) shinnok's throne room MKA
23% (36) shang tsung's island MKvsDC

153 voters have answered this question.

What additional finishers you want to see as DLC? (you can choose ONLY 1)

28% (45) Animalities
1% (3) Babalities
38% (61) Friendships
23% (38) Hara Kiris
7% (12) Multalities (MKSM)

159 voters have answered this question.

What additional mini games you want to see as DLC? (You can choose ONLY 1)

17% (33) new mini game
45% (83) Chess Kombat
1% (2) Galaga
10% (20) Motor Kombat
2% (4) Pong
19% (36) Puzzle Kombat
3% (6) Test your Sight

184 voters have answered this question.

Would you like to see second X-ray attack for every character?

98% (786) Yes
1% (10) No
0% (0) For bosses only
0% (2) For regular characters only

798 voters have answered this question.

Would you like to see VS screens for characters alt costumes and different palletes?

93% (40) Yes
6% (3) No
0% (0) For Shang Tsung only

43 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-01-17 09:36:44 by vetalfox
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