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Observing a fight - gender differences

There are an amazing amount of polls with the theme of fighting and dominance on this site. A remarkable lack of sympathy with losers are also prevalent. Most seems to be on schoolground settings. It is known that watching fights are entertaining and even sexually arousing to onlookers, with the conclusion as the best part. I wish to know if there are differences in gender perceptions and if it alter with age. This poll looks at gender differences, look out for another one on age. The situation is: 2 boys or men fought, and one is helplessly stuck in a painful submission hold, and has to submit / give up / tap out / cry uncle / beg for mercy. An audience is present. The contestants can be of equal strength and the dispute is a matter of their own business. No one is generally unpopular or a jerk, because the onlookers' opinion and / or alignment with the contestants can have an influence on their perception of the event. I mention males since they physically fight the most, but the contestants can also be females.
Do you feel bad for the loser:
Males: Yes, it is horrible to be in pain and humiliating to lose
Females: Yes, it is horrible to be in pain and humiliating to lose
Males: I like watching someone's misery while it happens, but will feel bad afterwards
Females: I like watching someone's misery while it happens, but will feel bad afterwards
Males: Not at all - the law of the jungle dictates that there will be losers and winners
Females: Not at all - the law of the jungle dictates that there will be losers and winners
At the end of the fight:
Males: The winner should help the loser up, dust him off, comfort him and reassure him on being a worthy opponent
Females: The winner should help the loser up, dust him off, comfort him and reassure him on being a worthy opponent
Males: The winner should just get off the loser and each go their own way
Females: The winner should just get off the loser and each go their own way
Males: The winner should get off the loser and then taunt him verbally
Females: The winner should get off the loser and then taunt him verbally
Males: The winner should rub it in - maintain the grip even after the loser gave up and make him submit a few times more
Females: The winner should rub it in - maintain the grip even after the loser gave up and make him submit a few times more
Males: The winner should torture and humiliate the loser mercilessly and at length
Females: The winner should torture and humiliate the loser mercilessly and at length
In the days after the fight:
Males: The winner should leave the loser alone, a dominance / subordinate relationship has been established
Females: The winner should leave the loser alone, a dominance / subordinate relationship has been established
Males: The winner should taunt the loser verbally
Females: The winner should taunt the loser verbally
Males: The winner should take the loser down again and repeat the process as often as he likes
Females: The winner should take the loser down again and repeat the process as often as he likes
When a winner starts to hurt the loser cruelly, what will you do?
Males: Plead with the winner not to do so, even cry
Females: Plead with the winner not to do so, even cry
Males: Demand that he should stop (i.e not pleading)
Females: Demand that he should stop (i.e not pleading)
Males: Break it up physically
Females: Break it up physically
Males: Just look on
Females: Just look on
Males: Encourage the winner to hurt him even harder
Females: Encourage the winner to hurt him even harder
This poll was created on 2011-02-05 15:36:20 by violres