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activision vs ubisoft


who do you think makes the better games

40% (2) Ubisoft
60% (3) Activision

5 voters have answered this question.

what is better

20% (1) COD
80% (4) Assassins Creed

5 voters have answered this question.

Who do you think is better

40% (2) Ezio Auditore-assassins creed
60% (3) Alex Mercer-prototype

5 voters have answered this question.

and these two

20% (1) Hulk-the hulk duh
80% (4) The Prince-Prince of Perisa

5 voters have answered this question.

who would win if they all had a fight

20% (1) The Hulk
0% (0) The Prince
40% (2) Ezio
40% (2) Alex

5 voters have answered this question.

Who has the better name

60% (3) Jade Raymond
40% (2) Philippe G. H. Capron

5 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-02-14 16:39:28 by mr CM
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