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[Hopefully] A good Webkinz Poll. Watch out, this could get long and a little random!!!
My username is
I have
0 webkinz
1-3 webkinz
4-8 webkinz
9-13 webkinz
14-20 webkinz
More than 20 webkinz
have you heard the webkinz song on youtube?
yes [and sounds like a bunch of yowling cats]
Which virtual webkinz do you have? [eStore ect. not plushes that you've uploaded online] If you don't have any, just say none and if you want then put down ones that you want.
Which pet of the month do you have?
Oct 07, Frog
Nov 07, Black Bear
Dec 07, Chihuahua
Jan 08, Lil' kinz golden retriever
Feb 08, Cow
Mar 08, Lil' kinz pig
Apr 08, pink poodle
may 08, panda bear
jun 08, elephant
jul 08, cheeky monkey
Aug ’08: Clydesdale
Sept 08: Bullfrog
October ’08: Pug
November ’08: Hippo
December ’08: Polar Bear
Jan '09: Bulldog
February 2009: Googles
March 2009: Yorkie
April 2009: Alley Cat
May 2009: Cocker Spaniel
June 2009:Pink Pony
July 2009: Spotted Frog
August 2009:Grey Arabian Horse
September 2009: leopard
October 2009: Golden Retriever
November 2009: Pug
December 2009: Koala
January 2010: Schnauzer
February 2010: White Terrier
March 2010: Himalayan
April 2010: Lion
may 2010: skunk
june 2010: pig
july 2010: bengal tiger
august 2010: pink googles
september 2010: persian cat
october 2010: pink poodle
november 2010: jack russel
december 2010: polar bear
january 2011: silverback gorilla
february 2011: bluefadoodle
march 2011: caterpillar
for any that you've ticked above, have you ever been in that month too?
not sure
this is the last question for now, but i will be adding more. what is your responce?
This poll was created on 2011-01-23 16:17:24 by RiaTabby