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Clothing Market Research

what are your consumer preferences when shopping for clothing?

What age bracket are you in?

63% (65) 16-29
24% (25) 30-49
9% (10) 50-60
1% (2) 60-up

102 voters have answered this question.

do you think about how/where and under what conditions your clothing is made?

22% (23) Yes
39% (40) No
37% (38) Sometimes

101 voters have answered this question.

whats more important to you when you purchase products

15% (16) Price
24% (25) Quality
59% (60) compromise for both if possible

101 voters have answered this question.

how much more are you willing to pay for environmentally made clothing? (per Item)

43% (41) 3$
30% (29) 5$
25% (24) 10$

94 voters have answered this question.

how much more are you willing to pay for clothing manufactured in your own country? (per Item)

39% (39) 3$
24% (24) 5$
19% (19) 10$
17% (17) more then 10$

99 voters have answered this question.

Do you prefer either

55% (54) Lower prices + shipping
44% (44) free shipping with higher prices

98 voters have answered this question.

how much money have you or would you spend on a pair of jeans?

66% (66) up to 50$
25% (25) up to 100$
9% (9) up 150$ or more

100 voters have answered this question.

how much have you or would you be willing to spend on a t-shirt?

56% (56) up to 20$
27% (27) up to 30$
11% (11) up to 40$
5% (5) 40$ or more

99 voters have answered this question.

do you prefer

8% (8) indie clothing companies
25% (25) name brands
67% (67) depends on design

100 voters have answered this question.

how important is fashion to you?

15% (16) very important, I invest in how I look
40% (41) important, I care about how I look but keep it within my budget
33% (34) I'm well kept but I don't spend much on new clothing
10% (11) don't care about how I look cause I'm a dingy bum

102 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-03-12 21:45:49 by nicholas27
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