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Want to own your own mafia?

Please note, I chose this category on purpose. Please do not recategorize. (good mafia, not the bad guys) As you know, most governments make you into a slave by taxing all your income, leaving you only an allowance to pay for your slave shack and slave food if you are lucky. Sure they use building codes and such so you have a nice looking slave shack that you spend your whole life paying for, but you are still a slave. Right now you are PAYING to be enslaved. Not only that, but you are paying more than your disposable income. Bad government is organized crime. They way to defeat organized crime is to be more organized. You need someone to represent you. Someone to organize you. Someone to show you what you can DO and help you find others to do it with.
Are you a slave?
Big time
not sure
totally not
I'm cracking the whip!
Other/does not apply
If you had someone (me) who was insightful, smarter than a congressman *cough,* and genuinely willing to work for humanity, would you chip in a little cash so he could quit wasting time picking cotton and get to work breaking chains?
I am a heartless moron. I and my children are doomed to slavery until the end of time. I am a cow. mmmm grass.
no (just joking about that last one)
How much, monthly.
$1 (I'm using dollars, but I'm working for us all)
Do you promise to look up the terms ponerology and pathocracy?
If you want more info leave your email. My email is
This poll was created on 2011-03-22 11:49:03 by LoveOverWill