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The Best Death Scene

Out of the options listed below, please select what you think would be the best death/torture scene in a movie.

Are you:

75% (97) Male
24% (32) Female

129 voters have answered this question.

Which gender would you prefer to be the victim in your death scene?

47% (62) Male
52% (68) Female

130 voters have answered this question.

What would you like to see the victim wearing?

8% (11) Underwear - Men's briefs
5% (7) Underwear - Men's boxer briefs
3% (5) Underwear - Boxer shorts
3% (4) Satin boxer shorts
1% (2) Singlet
0% (0) Camouflage pants
2% (3) Camouflage shorts
0% (1) Camouflage shirt
10% (13) Jeans
2% (3) Baggy jeans
9% (12) Tight jeans
3% (5) Torn jeans, with spandex/lycra pants underneath
5% (7) Shirt
3% (5) Polo shirt
13% (17) T-shirt
4% (6) Tight t-shirt
6% (8) Shorts
3% (5) Denim shorts
6% (8) Mini-skirt
3% (4) Denim mini-skirt
3% (4) Skirt
3% (4) Leggings
6% (8) Dress
4% (6) Suit
6% (8) High leather boots
2% (3) Leather shoes
6% (8) Spandex/Lycra singlet
3% (4) Spandex/Lycra t-shirt
1% (2) Spandex/Lycra long sleeve t-shirt
7% (9) Spandex/Lycra shorts
3% (5) Spandex/Lycra 3/4 shorts
5% (7) Spandex/Lycra pants
2% (3) Spandex/Lycra shorts over spandex/lycra pants
3% (5) Nylon shorts over spandex/lycra shorts
4% (6) Nylon shorts over spandex/lycra pants
7% (10) A hoodie
1% (2) Jumper
7% (9) A speedo
4% (6) Board shorts
0% (1) Speedo underneath board shorts
0% (1) Jammers
4% (6) Full body swimsuit
2% (3) Rash vest
15% (20) Bikini
3% (4) Wetsuit
2% (3) Tankini
8% (11) Sports bra
5% (7) Female one-piece swimsuit
7% (10) Female two-piece swimsuit
5% (7) Leather pants
3% (5) Leather jacket
3% (5) Denim jacket
1% (2) Motocross gear
2% (3) Mesh t-shirt
1% (2) Mesh poncho
6% (8) Body armour
11% (15) Neck collar
3% (4) Satin pants
3% (5) Cycling gloves
3% (5) Full body spandex/lycra suit
4% (6) Tracksuit
4% (6) Tracksuit shorts
3% (5) Tracksuit pants
3% (4) Tracksuit top
1% (2) Spandex/lycra pants underneath tracksuit shorts
1% (2) Spandex/lycra pants underneath tracksuit pants

127 voters have answered this question.

How do you want to see the victim die in the death scene?

7% (10) Drug overdose
14% (19) Slowly dipped in a large pot of melted plastic
12% (17) Fed through a garden mulcher
7% (10) Stuck in a school of deadly jellyfish
9% (13) Stung by a swarm of killer bees
11% (15) Gassed
10% (14) Stuck in an underground cave
8% (11) Sprayed with an acid gel
14% (19) Burnt alive
18% (24) Crushed
24% (32) Hanged
11% (15) Head sawn off
5% (7) Lethal injection
7% (10) Shot in the back of the head
12% (17) Quicksand
12% (17) Shot in the stomach
8% (11) Bitten by a snake
11% (15) Covered in acid
8% (11) Pushed into a shallow pit of acid
11% (15) Stuck in a box of scorpions
9% (13) Eaten alive by piranhas
13% (18) Choking
9% (12) Suffocated by a pillow
5% (7) Pushed out of a plane
5% (7) Bitten by a spider
12% (16) Bitten by a spider on the genitals
13% (18) Bitten by a snake on the genitals
7% (10) Forced to eat poisonous mushrooms
10% (14) Acid sprayed on face
17% (23) Acid poured on genitals
9% (12) Sex with someone with HIV
14% (19) Drowned
12% (17) Boiled alive
9% (13) Eye ball slit with a razor
9% (12) Shot in the chest
6% (9) Hit by a train
6% (9) Bitten by a sea snake, out in the middle of nowhere
5% (7) Stung by a poisonous fish
5% (7) Stung by a poisonous starfish
13% (18) Pushed into a pit of snakes
17% (23) Suffocated by plastic over the face
5% (7) Injected with lemon juice
15% (21) Stabbed to death
11% (15) Stuck in an airtight room
8% (11) Sinking in a grain silo
12% (17) Run over by a steam roller
10% (14) Forced to drink concrete
12% (16) Buried in concrete
15% (20) Buried alive
9% (13) Eaten by sharks
14% (19) Eaten by crocodiles
10% (14) Arm wrestle, with the loser stung in the arm by a scorpion
8% (11) Bitten by poisonous ants
9% (13) Head in a box of poisonouis insects
10% (14) Slow acting lethal injection, and tied to a pole
12% (16) Forced to drink acid
11% (15) Sinkning in mud
15% (20) Electric chair
16% (22) Electricuted
5% (7) Forced to swallow a snake
6% (9) Slit throat
16% (22) Eaten alive by a boa constrictor

133 voters have answered this question.

A death or torture scene is best when"

41% (54) The victim expects it
58% (76) The victim doesn't expect it

130 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-03-29 06:01:15 by wcr711
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