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Underwear Choices for Guys

Guys....What Do U Like? AFA Underwear is concerned

What do you wear?

39% (42) Boxers
57% (61) Briefs
46% (50) Boxerbriefs
23% (25) Trunks
22% (24) Jockstrap
10% (11) none

107 voters have answered this question.

Favorite briefs/boxerbriefs color?

34% (35) White
26% (27) Black
12% (13) Blue
21% (22) Red
4% (5) Green

102 voters have answered this question.

How do u wear ur underwear?

92% (98) One Pair at a time
8% (9) Briefs under Boxers
4% (5) Boxerbriefs under Boxers
5% (6) More than one pair of boxers

106 voters have answered this question.

What color Boxers do you like?

19% (18) While
27% (26) Black
27% (26) Solid Colors
48% (45) Patterns
16% (15) Cartoons
24% (23) All the above

93 voters have answered this question.

How do you wear your underwear?

94% (102) One Pair at a time
6% (7) Mutilpe Boxers, Briefs, BB's
3% (4) BB's or Briefs under Boxers

108 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever "doubled up" with you underwear? (Wore the same pair dirty)

27% (30) No. Gross.
33% (36) Yes. It was laundry Day
25% (27) Never
13% (15) Uhhh...

108 voters have answered this question.

Who buys your underwear?

85% (92) Me
27% (30) Parents
2% (3) Guardian
1% (2) I don't know where they came from

108 voters have answered this question.

How many pairs od underwear (any kind) do you own? Guess if u have to, don't go count them

50% (55) 10-20
19% (21) 21-30
27% (30) 40 or more
1% (2) Pass

108 voters have answered this question.

What would you do if you saw someone wearing briefs and didn't want them to be tourtured or bullied?

3% (4) I'm the Bully
34% (37) I would warn them
14% (16) Sit back and laugh
47% (51) Feel sorr for him

108 voters have answered this question.

Do you sleep in your underwear?

85% (92) Yes
14% (16) No

108 voters have answered this question.

If yes, what kind?

25% (27) Boxers
41% (45) Briefs
18% (20) Boxerbriefs
7% (8) Trunks
7% (8) Jockstrap

108 voters have answered this question.

Which underwear is the best for sleeping?

45% (49) Briefs
25% (27) Boxers
10% (11) Trunks
12% (13) Boxerbriefs
7% (8) Jockstrap

108 voters have answered this question.

Do you sag?

60% (65) Yeap!
28% (31) No, it's gay
11% (12) What is that?

108 voters have answered this question.

What do u wear when you sag?

40% (44) Boxers
35% (38) Boxerbriefs
39% (43) Briefs
18% (20) Trunks

108 voters have answered this question.

What would you rather be caught in?

28% (31) Briefs
27% (30) Boxers
25% (27) Boxerbriefs
10% (11) Trunks
8% (9) Jockstrap

108 voters have answered this question.

Did u like this poll?

30% (33) Yeah
38% (42) So So
24% (26) Could have been better/lONGER
6% (7) nO

108 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-04-11 19:14:22 by d-_-b
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