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how do you view religion

Im just wondering about the perfect honesty. This is anonymous.
Do you belong to an organized religion
No, I have no spirituality either
No, But I do have some form of spirituality
Yes, but I do not practice my religion
Yes, but I still choose what to accept and not to
Yes, and I accept all tenets of my religion
Why do you belong to an organized religion
I was born into it
Because I like the religions culture
Because that religion has been part of my life
I find spiritual solace in that religion
Because my religion is the one true religion
Whats your position on the idea that you have to accept a certain religion to be saved
Such an idea is utterly repulsive and biggoted
They dont bother me, as long as they dont harass me about it
They dont bother me, but I dont really agree with that belief
I agree that there is one true religion, but I accept other religions as valid
I believe there is only one true religion that everyone must follow or they will be punished.
How do you feel about gloom and doom religions that put great emphasis on punishment
Its nothing but some fear mongering propaganda
I dont really like it, but it exists
I could care less about those religions
They are the only valid religion
Whats your position on Authoritarian religions with heavy emphasis on rules
Its oppressive and annoying
Its okay as long as they do not harass me about it
I really do not care if it exists
I respect that kind of religion
Its the only true religion
How do you view Religious tolerance
No religion should be tolerated
All religions should be tolerated
All religious should be tolerated if they arent hurting anyone
All religions should be tolerated if they arent an annoyance
Only the true religion should not be tolerated, but other denominations are tolerated
Only one denomination is true and is the only one to be accepted.
How do you view other religions
Pluralism-All religions or most are equal
Pluralistic inclusive-One religion is the true one, but other religions still have value
Exclusive inclusivism-One religion is true, and all others are false. But the members should not be excluded
Exclusivism-One religion is true, and all other religions damn their followers.
Whats your position on reformative Universalism-Everyone goes to heaven, but some have to endure punishments before admittance
There is nothing after death
It is a false teaching
I dont believe it, but I can accept it
I belive it, but can accept others dont agree
Its the only correct belief on salvation
I have no position
Whats your position on automatic universalism-everyone goes to heaven no matter what
There is nothing after death
Its just a lie people want to hear
I dont agree but tolerate it
I dont know
I accept it
I see it as the only truth
What is your religion(If you are Christian or Muslim)
Ultra Conservative Catholic
Conservative Catholic
Moderate Catholic
Liberal Catholic
Ultra Liberal Catholic
Ultra conservative Protestant(lutheran, episcopal, presbyterian, quaker, Methodist)
Conservative Protestant(lutheran, episcopal, presbyterian, quaker, Methodist)
Moderate Protestant(lutheran, episcopal, presbyterian, quaker, Methodist)
Liberal Protestant(lutheran, episcopal, presbyterian, quaker, Methodist)
Ultra liberal Protestant(lutheran, episcopal, presbyterian, quaker, Methodist)
Ultra Conservative Evangelical(Baptist, pentecostal, non-denominational)
Conservative Evangelical(Baptist, pentecostal, non-denominational)
Moderate Evangelical(Baptist, pentecostal, non-denominational)
Liberal Evangelical(Baptist, pentecostal, non-denominational)
Ultra Liberal Evangelical(Baptist, pentecostal, non-denominational)
Ultra conservative Muslim
Conservative muslim
Moderate Muslim
Liberal Muslim
Ultra liberal muslim
This poll was created on 2011-05-09 01:15:49 by mr.burnsIII