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Why girls win?

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I have seen so many polls on misterpoll about boys and girls strength like "boys vs girls wrestling", "mixed wrestling","mixed teen wrestling", "who is stronger?boys or girls","boys vs. younger girls who are stronger etc". And it is surprising most of the results that polls go in favour of females. My question is what is the reason? Are the girls really so strong? From so many time, there is an opinion of some people that female is weaker sex?(Though I am a male but personally I do not believe in this, I believe both are equal.). Is that opinion false or that results are false? I want to know your opinion. Please be honest and truthful and take part in this poll.

Are you male or female?

85% (336) Male
14% (55) Female

391 voters have answered this question.

What do you think why most of the polls regarding strength goes in favour of females?(Mark all that applicable)

59% (238) Female is really a stronger sex
31% (128) In our time females are more health concious than males.
33% (137) Many of the males want to be beaten by females so they let them win.
18% (75) Most of the females compete with smaller males.
21% (88) Only those females take part in the games like wrestling who are really strong
12% (50) Only those people participate in such polls.
18% (76) It is an anonymus poll so there are chances of bogus voting.
14% (58) There is not limit of votes so many people vote more than once.
6% (25) Any other (Please post)

403 voters have answered this question.

How much do you think results of such pollings reliable?

40% (148) 5
15% (57) 4
18% (70) 3
9% (34) 2
16% (60) 1

369 voters have answered this question.

In which country do you reside?

5% (20) India
47% (174) United States
9% (35) UK
5% (20) Canada
0% (3) Japan
0% (1) South Africa
0% (2) Zimbabwe
1% (4) Pakistan
0% (0) Sri Lanka
1% (4) China
3% (11) France
4% (18) Australia
0% (1) New Zealand
1% (7) Rest of Asia
14% (54) Rest of Europe
1% (7) Rest of North/South America
0% (2) Rest of Africa

363 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-02-12 20:27:59 by Amit Dua(smartindian)
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