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What are boys locker rooms like at your school? (BOYS ONLY)

What is the boys locker room like at your school?
Are you a boy?
No (please leave)
What kind of school do you go to?
Middle School or Junior High School
High School
I've graduated or don't go to school anymore
Where do you change your clothes?
In front of everybody else
Alone, if I can
In a stall
I refuse to change my clothes
When you change clothes, how do you do it?
I take off one piece of clothing, put on a different one, then do the same for my other clothes
I take everything off that I am changing, then put on the new ones
I take off my clothes, and the clothes I am changing into are underneath
I don't change clothes
When changing, what do you take off?
Shirt only
Pants only (I leave underwear on)
Shirt and pants only (I leave underwear on)
I take off everything until I am naked
I don't change clothes
Do you see anybody else when they are changing?
No, everybody changes in stalls or alone
No, everybody stays covered up
Yes, I have seen people with no shirts
Yes, I have seen people with no shirts or pants (underwear still on)
Yes, I have seen people completely naked
When you are changing, does anybody else see you?
No, because I don't change
No, I keep covered with a towel or something else
No, I change alone or in a stall
Yes, they see me without a shirt
Yes, they see me without a shirt or pants (underwear still on)
Yes, they see me naked
Do you shower in the locker rooms?
Yes, I have to
Yes, I choose to
No, I choose not to
No, there are no showers
What are the showers like in the locker room?
Individual stalls
Individual stalls with no door or curtain
We all shower together in the same space
There are no showers
Do you shower while wearing something?
I don't shower
No, I am naked
If you are naked when changing or showering, could other people see you?
No, I am never naked
No, others would not be able to see me
Yes, people could see me
Do you care if anybody else sees you naked?
Yes, I don't want others to see me naked
No, I don't mind
This poll was created on 2011-05-14 14:32:11 by 46853