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Reproductive Technology - Ethical Issues

Scientific advances have opened the door to controversial issues such as addressing infertility (via IVF and surrogacy), prenatal diagnosis of disorders and treatment of certain diseases (cancer, Parkinson's in testing etc) via stem cells. The question is: Are we playing God?

Are you:

58% (57) Male
41% (41) Female

98 voters have answered this question.

What age group do you belong to?

12% (12) Under 18
24% (24) 18-24
11% (11) 25-30
25% (25) 31-40
12% (12) 41-50
14% (14) 51 and over

98 voters have answered this question.

If applicable what education (matric, degree, PhD etc.) do you have? _____

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59 voters have answered this question.

Where are you from?

23% (23) Africa
3% (3) Asia
4% (4) Australia
13% (13) Europe
56% (55) North or South America

98 voters have answered this question.

What religion or faith do you belong to? _____

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73 voters have answered this question.

Have you heard about Stem Cells Research? http://bit.ly/iGtnCq

95% (94) Yes
4% (4) No

98 voters have answered this question.

Do you support Stem Cells Research?

58% (57) Yes
7% (7) No
34% (34) To an extent

98 voters have answered this question.

Please give a reason for your answer above

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69 voters have answered this question.

Have you heard about In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)? http://bit.ly/l4CGaf

92% (91) Yes
7% (7) No

98 voters have answered this question.

Are you in support of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?

67% (66) Yes
8% (8) No
24% (24) To an extent

98 voters have answered this question.

Please give a reason for your answer above

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59 voters have answered this question.

Have you heard about Surrogacy? http://bit.ly/07AEhfn

93% (92) Yes
6% (6) No

98 voters have answered this question.

Are you in support of Surrogacy?

52% (51) Yes
20% (20) No
27% (27) To an extent

98 voters have answered this question.

Would you offer yourself to be a surrogate mother?

14% (12) For a family/friend
8% (7) For someone who can't fall pregnant
1% (1) For someone who wants it for cosmetic reasons
3% (3) For anyone who wants it
80% (68) No

85 voters have answered this question.

Please give a reason for your answer to the two questions above

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60 voters have answered this question.

Have you heard about Prenatal Diagnosis? http://bit.ly/khrFc4

74% (73) Yes
25% (25) No

98 voters have answered this question.

Are you in support of Prenatal Diagnosis?

70% (69) Yes
29% (29) No

98 voters have answered this question.

Please elaborate on your answer to the two questions above. (why yes or why no)

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56 voters have answered this question.

In my opinion, these services should be:

59% (58) Available to everyone who really needs it
33% (33) Available to anyone who wants it
28% (28) Available as a basic human right
10% (10) Available to those who can afford it only

98 voters have answered this question.

In my opinion, these (select options, if any) are ways of humans trying to be God:

77% (21) Stem Cells Research
37% (10) In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
33% (9) Surrogacy
40% (11) Prenatal Diagnosis

27 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-05-15 15:54:02 by mlopes
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