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Evolution, The Big Bang, Climate Change, & the Rapture

Where do you stand on the big questions facing our time?

Is the scientific theory of evolution the best explanation of life on Earth or is it all explained in the Bible?

94% (160) The scientific theory of evolution is the best explanation of life on Earth
5% (10) It is all explained in the Bible

170 voters have answered this question.

Is the scientific theory of The Big Bang the best explanation of the creation of the Universe or is it all explained in the Bible?

94% (162) The scientific theory of The Big Bang is the best explanation of the creation of the Universe
5% (9) It is all explained in the Bible

171 voters have answered this question.

Is the scientific theory of global climate change right on target for explaining the overall temperature increase on Earth, or is it political hogwash?

23% (40) The scientific theory of Global Climate change (see the NASA web site) is the best explanation of the overall temperature increase on Earth.
76% (133) It is all political hogwash

173 voters have answered this question.

In light of the fact that NASA has put men in space, landed men on the Moon, landed robots on Mars, photographed Galaxies billions of light years from Earth, etc, etc.. and they also support all three of the scientific theories listed above, is it possible they they simply "got lucky" with their success in Space, but are all wrong with these scientific theories?

80% (42) No, they did not simply just "get lucky" with the success in Space. They are smart, educated and the scientific theories they support are valid.
19% (10) Yes, even though NASA is filled with "rocket scientist" types, they are all wrong with the scientific theories of evolution, big bang, and climate change.

52 voters have answered this question.

Were you one of the morons that actually believed the world was coming to an end on May 21?

100% (91) No, I was not
0% (0) Yes, I was.

91 voters have answered this question.

Final Comments

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4 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-06-01 21:42:38 by Jane's arena
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