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Men wearing girls swimwear, whats your opinion?

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I made this poll because I have tried wearing a women's one piece swim suit and I found it very comfortable. I want to wear one as my primary bathing suit, but want to see what kind of reactions I'm in for. I mainly want to see the opinions of the people from the USA, both male and female.

Is it acceptable for a guy to wear a womens one piece bathing suit in public places?

55% (849) Yes, it is perfectly acceptable
29% (448) It would seem odd, but it is acceptable
9% (149) I already do that (please post any comments or reactions you got)
4% (76) No, i don't think it's acceptable (please post why you think so)

1522 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-03-30 20:39:12 by Metallica Man
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