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Boys forced to go barefoot during the summer

BOYS ONLY: Some parents make their kids go barefoot in the summer. Boys, what are your parents' rules about footwear during the summer months?
What gender are you (this is for boys only)?
Female (end poll here)
Where are you from?
United States
How old are you?
Under 13
Over 23
How often do your parents make you go barefoot during the summer?
All the time, I have to go barefoot the whole summer
Sometimes, but not all the time
Never, I can wear whatever footwear I want
When you go outside somewhere:
I'm allowed to wear shoes and socks
I have to go barefoot - even in public shoes and socks aren't allowed
I can wear sandals without socks, but that's it
During the summer:
My parents take away my shoes and socks and keep them away the whole summer
They'll take away shoes and socks on some days, other days I can wear them
They let me keep my shoes and socks, but I have to go barefoot when they make me
Do your parents ever make you go barefoot as a punishment?
Yes, and they'll take away my shoes and socks too so that I can't wear them
Yes, I have to stay barefoot, but they won't confiscate my shoes and socks
No, they don't do that
If yes, how long do you have to stay barefoot as a punishment?
One day
A few days
A week
A month
The rest of the summer
How do you feel about being made to go barefoot by your parents?
I don't care, I like going barefoot, it doesn't matter
It isn't that bad, but I'd rather wear shoes during the summer
I don't like going barefoot at all, but those are my parents' rules, and I have to follow them
This poll was created on 2004-03-01 20:20:51 by pil