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The Legend of Zelda: My Life [Chapter 2: Flake]

FILLER: The beautiful land of Hyrule where peace remains fist. History has proven its past as a mist. You have your Gorans residing over the mountains. Hylians live in towns, and fairies live in their fountains. Each place containing their own special goods. But today’s chapter we’re looking at begins in the Lost Woods. From the Fairy Fountain, he was born last year, young and energetic, and not knowing any fear. But even at youth you’ll remain the most curious. And even trouble-makers will sometimes look spurious. But enough of that because it’s too late for shun! He is already on fire! It’s time to have fun! ****************************************************************************************** [[[PS: Everything you see here is fan-made, and did not actually happen in The Legend of Zelda main series. Enjoy the story. And Remember, Jennifer will Return!]]] ****************************************************
1. You are now Flake, a fairy from the Fairy Fountain in the Lost Woods, at age of 1. What are your thoughts? (Day 1)
There’s no fairy as cute as Flake! When it comes to charm I always take the cake! Teehee!
I wonder what kind of advanced magicial powers I have.
I Can Fly!!! WEEE!!!
Maybe if I work real hard someday I’ll become a Great Fairy too! Just you wait!
Oh no! I hope a monster doesn’t try to eat me!
Someone get me some fairy-cookies. I’m hungry.
Why do I have to be so small? This stinks!
Keep bottles away from me!
2. The Great Fairy Speaks: “There is a reason why the Sanctuary of Forgotten Memories is a forbidden place to enter. It contains a secret so terrifying that only a few can even access the place. Whatever you do Flake don’t go into the sanctuary! I’m sure my trust is well placed in you.” (Day 1)
Enter the sanctuary to see why it’s forbidden.
Enter the sanctuary regardless of the Great Fairy’s warning.
Stumble in the Sanctuary by mistake.
3. The Great Fairy Speaks: “Not that this situation will ever occur but…if for some unexpected reason you do happen to stumble into the Sanctuary, Flake, don’t play with the big Magic Mirror! It’s a portal to the Golden Lands with nothing but trouble inside. Even the slightest bit of disturbance can trigger its opening. That is why you must never touch it… the shiny thing. DON’T TOUCH THE SHINY THING. But that won’t be a problem because there’s no way ever do something like that. (Day 1)
I wonder if this is the shiny thing the Great Fairy was talking about. *touch*
O! Shiny! *touch*
I’m gonna touch it all over for being treated like a kid. Humph! *touch*
Nothing but trouble inside huh? Ok! I’m gonna go see the Golden Lands! *touch*
The Great Fairy trusted me, and I’m not about to do anything to let her down. *Flies into it while thinking*
4. Great Fairy: "FLAKE! NO! LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE!?! By entering the sanctuary you’ve triggered a catastrophic portal to the Golden Lands! The ‘King of Evil’ has already passed through it! What’s more is Hyrule could be finished now because of your actions! As the Great Fairy have no choice but to banish you from not only the Fairy Fountain, but the Lost Woods as well! You defied the Great Fairy’s wishes! Now get out of my site!" (Day 1)
No Great Fairy! I’m sorry! Please forgive me! I didn’t know!
I’ll leave immediately…
What!? But I didn’t do anything! I swear! (Darn! How did the Great Fairy find out?)
Bored now! Gonna go! Bye Great Fairy! Have fun cleaning up the mess I made! Muhahahah!
Oh! So NOW you tell me why I shouldn’t touch it! Geesh!
5. The next day you arrive in a town called Porta-Prox, a town built on top of Lake Hylia. You notice a sweet old lady down the street getting robbed by a street thug! What will you do? (Day 2)
Swoop in; beat up the bad guy, and get the stolen items back to the sweet old lady.
Swoop in; beat up the bad guy, but then take the stolen items for yourself.
Tail the bad guy, and steal the items for yourself when he isn't looking. Keep the items for yourself instead of returning them to their rightful owner.
Swoop in and assist the thug.
Make fun of the old lady.
Fly away pretending that you never saw anything.
Do nothing but float there and watch.
6. About an hour later of flying around Porta-Prox you swoop down an alleyway. There you find the same robbing street thug from earlier, talking to two other guys you didn’t recognize. One of them was an overweight male who also happened to look like a street thug. The other surprisingly stood out from the rest though he was dressed in a Green Tunic. Your thoughts? (Day 2)
Oh My God! Oh My God! It’s the Chosen One! No mistake! He’s the ‘Legendary Warrior in Green’ from the tales I’ve heard!
Oh no! It’s that street thug from earlier! And he’s hanging with his pals! They better not be up to no good!
Who is that guy in Green? He looks so well-groomed compared to everyone else in town.
I wonder who that guy in Green is. Maybe he’s a Spy sent to investigate me! *gasp*
Hahaha! Fatty!
Why is he wearing that Green Tunic? Nobody wears that stuff anymore so it looks weird.
Maybe coming down the alleyway wasn’t such a good idea.
7. Without thinking of the consequences you went up to them and began idle conversation. You aren’t sure how but by the end of the day you found yourself as a member of a gang called the Hoodlums. You also got to learn about who everyone is. The street thug you saw earlier’s name is Alomar. The overweight guy’s name is Guts. And the man in Green, who also happens to be an executive & in charge of the Hoodlum squad in Porta-Prox, his name is Link. He informed you that your first assignment would be to sneak into the Antique Essentials store tonight, and retrieve a rare artifact called Magic Lamp. (Day 2)
No! No! This can’t be right! The Legendary Warrior in Green is a dirty thief!? … But why?
Being around the Great Fairy was a pain. These Hoodlum guys like to cause trouble, which is more of my style.
Between Link and I, this looks like the start of a beautiful friendship! He is so cool! (Though I don’t care as much for his friends or the Hoodlums)
Life on the outside world is so strange, but I think I’m getting the hang of it.
I’ll have that lamp pilfered in 5 Seconds! They’ll see my true loyalty to the Hoodlums!
But… stealing from others is wrong…
8. Success! The Hoodlums are now in possession of the Magic Lamp. Phase 1 of obtaining a lamp that never loses it’s flame is complete! Link then explains Phase 2 of the operation. Supposedly there is a rare treasure inside Hyrule Castle! Tomorrow morning you, Link, Guts, and Alomar are setting out to Hyrule Castle Town. Then at night you’ll sneak into Hyrule Castle itself, and attempt to look for this rare treasure! (Day 2)
So let me get this straight, we’re going to sneak into the most renown kingdom in all of Hyrule, which also happens to be biggest kingdom in all of Hyrule, a place full of trained guards, all just to look for a treasure that we’re not even sure about or even what it looks like!? Do you not see the irony in all of this!?
All right! I was wondering when we’d go for the big ones!
Oh My God! Really!? We’re actually going to the all-famous Hyrule Castle tomorrow night!? This is So Cool!!!
I’m only doing this because Link is.
I’m only doing this because I’m curious as to what the inside of the Castle looks like.
You mean we’re going to steal more!? Please… no… stop…
Now that I think about it, I’d much rather would be back home at the Fairy Fountain. I miss all my other fairy friends.
9. On evening of the next night you, along with the other Hoodlum members Link, Alomar, and Guts, snuck though Underground Passage using the stolen Magic Lamp as light. Without it the cave would have been too dark to see, or so everyone else claims. When the four of you reached the end all of you were standing in a place that looked very peaceful. Flowers were blooming. A moat was flowing. It looked as if the place was an indoor garden. You were in the castle courtyard. The Plan: Everyone is to fan out, and bring back anything that might be valuable to the courtyard within an hour’s time. Link called the fifth floor so it’s off-limits, but any other area around the castle is open for you to investigate. (Day 3)
Security is tight from left-to-right! Guys, I’m gonna stay in the courtyard and remain out of sight! At least it’s safe here.
Guys, I’ll take the first floor, same floor as the Throne Room. The likelihood of a Castle Guard appearing around the corner is higher than most because you need to be on the first floor to get anywhere around the castle. I’m small so they aren’t as likely to notice me as much as the rest.
I’ll take the stairs up to the second floor. Maybe they have a storage room of treasure around there.
I’ll check the library on the third floor. Who knows! Knowledge may be the greatest treasure of them all!
The forth floor is where the more wealthy dine right? It’s all mine! (Mmm! Food!)
Are you serious!? Nobody wants to check the King’s Room on the sixth floor? I’m So There!
I’m going to check the castle barracks outside where all the Castle Guards sleep. They’re guards, so there’s got to be treasure there!
I’m going to check the Prison underneath the castle. It seems like it’s the most unexpecting place for treasure to be, which definitely sounds suspicious!
Wha… but I wanted the fifth floor! Darn…
I don’t care what floor I take but I’m following Link!
10. Oh No! The castle alarm went off! Someone must’ve been spotted! Now the entire kingdom is on red alert! The bell is sounding! And for some reason you can hear Alomar shouting “Kokiri”! What will you do? (Day 4)
Freeze on spot, hoping that no one will notice you.
Find a spot to hide, and wait for one of the members to come and find you.
Fly through the kingdom hallways as fast as you can, praying that no one will catch you.
Quickly make your way back to the Underground Passage in the courtyard, hoping that the gang all made it there before you did.
Fly out one of the castle windows, leaving everyone behind!
Do nothing, acting as if the alarm never sounded.
Kokiri? I don’t get it???
11. The mission to find rare treasure in Hyrule Castle ended in failure! Alomar & Guts had been captured & imprisoned. Worst of all is Link is nowhere to be found. Did he abandon everyone? But he’s an executive. Alomar & Guts are his friends. Why would he leave them behind? Something didn’t seem right! Its morning now and you’re still in the castle trying to think about what to do. (Day 4)
So the Legendary Warrior in Green isn’t loyal to his friends either? What does the Great Fairy see in him!?
No! How could I let Link out of my sight!? Don’t leave me Link…
Maybe Link really did get captured and it wasn’t announced. I hope he is ok.
Things look really bad, but it’s still no excuse to give up! I’ve got to find a way to get Alomar and Guts out of prison!
Yesterday was a good night! More trouble happened than you’d expect in one night. Hee-hee! I’m happy!
12. Then someone approached you while you were thinking. It was someone that you least expected to meet. It was Croswell, the King of Hyrule! At that point you thought you were caught for sure! Unexpectedly though he called off the guards. Strange, the king seems much friendlier than you imagined, especially since you were one of the invaders of the castle. He begins telling you about all the dreams he’s had lately, more particularly the ones involving a ‘big woman fairy’ telling him it’s the end of Hyrule. You reply to him saying… (Day 4)
Big woman fairy? That must be the Great Fairy! Ah Finkledust! The Great Fairy must still be mad for what I did, and is probably using it's magic to haunt me.
I don’t get it. Your majesty, why are you being so nice to me? I was with those other three guys when we infiltrated the castle, yet you haven’t locked me up.
Your majesty, could you please release my friends from the dungeon?
Your majesty, where is Link? What did you do to him?
Unfortunately because of me your dreams may be true. I accidentally triggered the end of Hyrule…
Fortunately because of me your dreams are true! I triggered the end of Hyrule! Soon there will be in all sorts of trouble! Muhahahah!
Ohh! You mean that dream! When you said “Dreams” and “Big Woman Fairy” I thought you were going to start talking about the crown inside your...
I don’t know about you, but your dreams really don’t interest me.
13. Hours of conversation you spent with the King. In the end he refused to release Alomar or Guts from their cell. You happen to learn though that Link wasn’t captured during the infiltration, and escaped shortly after the alarm went off. So at least he is ok. Then a strange-looking man wearing Black Armor and a Red Concealing Cloak walked into the throne room, where you and the King happened to be at the time. There was a cold chill in the atmosphere has he spoke his intentions. Then a light bulb went on in your head! That man is the same person who came out of the magic mirror from the Golden Lands! He is the “King of Evil” the Great Fairy told you about. Strange, this guy is acting way too noble and generous for a bad guy. Maybe the Great Fairy is wrong about him. Then the next afternoon you wake up to find the kingdom being attacked by that man. Hyrule Castle was on red alert! (Day 5)
Hey, what the- the kingdom was just fine yesterday! Looks like I overslepted!
Oh no! It’s happening! The Great Fairy was right! The King of Evil really does want to bring the end of Hyrule! Link! Save Us!
I knew this would happen somehow!
The King of Evil better get Croswell first! I can’t endure another one of his conversations.
UGH! I really hate that alarm bell! Why does it have to be so loud!?
Oh, it was nothing. Okay, I’m going back to sleep.
14. Croswell is engaged in a 1 on 1 Sword Duel with the King of Evil! When he noticed you were there he shouted “Run! Run Away! Go find the Legendary Warrior in Green, and save Hyrule from this Madman! That’s an Order!” What will you do? Will you listen to the king? (Day 5)
Ok! I’ll go find Link! Just hang on your majesty; I’ll be back as soon as I can!
I’ll go, but where will I look for him!? He could be anywhere!
No! Your Majesty, I Can’t Leave You Behind!
Not until Guts & Alomar are released from their Cell first.
Nah! I gotta stay and watch this sword fight! Saving Hyrule can wait.
You have some nerve ordering a Fairy around! Fine! I’ll do it! But only because I want to find Link anyway!
Fine! I’ll go look for him! But I’ll expect a reward after all of this is finished!
15. In the end you decide to go find Link. You flew out of an open window and began your search. You are now on Hyrule Field, confused on where you should go. Hyrule is huge, and Link could be anywhere! Then you heard a voice enchantment flowing in your mind. It was the Great Fairy, communicating to you using fairy magic! “The Battle to Determine the Fate of Hyrule is Drawing Near. Link Has Received A Blessing From the Golden Goddesses on Death Mountain. Soon He Will Arrive at Hyrule Castle. Nothing Will Remain the Same When It’s All Over. Flake, Fly On Ahead! You Need to Inform Link What Is Happening at Hyrule Castle! Do It For Your Sake, and For The Sake of Hyrule!” You remembered how the Great Fairy banned you from ever coming back to the Fairy Fountain and the Lost Woods. So what will you do now? (Day 5)
Trust in the Great Fairy and begin heading to Death Mountain.
Trust in the Great Fairy only because the future of Hyrule is at stake; begin heading to Death Mountain.
Head back and check Hyrule Castle Town once to see if Link arrived yet. Then head to Death Mountain if you couldn’t find him.
Head back and wait for Link at Hyrule Castle Town. The Great Fairy did say Link was heading there already, so you’ll just rendezvous with him there.
Head to & wait for Link at Porta-Prox. The base for the Hoodlums is in that town after all so he’s bound to return!
Ignore the Great Fairy and attempt to do everything at your own pace.
Ignore looking for Link all together; claiming you had other places to explore.
Ignore looking for Link all together; claiming you lost interest in it all.
Ignore looking for Link all together; he is heading for Hyrule Castle anyway.
16. Its night of the next day. Currently you are in the Lost Woods despite being banned from it, which is kind of odd to you. The Great Fairy has the entire woods enchanted by her fairy magic for the purpose of keeping out those who don’t belong. Only those whose powers surpassed hers remain completely unaffected by it, decreasing the chance of getting lost. Somehow that magic has disintegrated from the atmosphere. You could tell that something was wrong, especially since the Great Fairy hasn’t given you a scolding for being in the woods. Nothing made sense until you arrived at the Fairy Fountain. There in the dried up water fountain laid the Great Fairy, surrounded by her precious children. All of them had lost their lives. And it was clear that the King of Evil was the cause. (Day 6)
The Great Fairy was like a parent to me. This can’t be happening… *cries a little*
No! Don’t leave me in this world alone...
I hated the Great Fairy, but no one deserved to die like this!
Good Riddance! The Great Fairy, along with the other fairies were really annoying!
*Leaves the Fairy Fountain without saying a word*
As the only survivor I need to keep strong! Only when Link defeats the King of Evil will my clan be able to rest in peace.
“I was only a fairy with a carefree spirit, always getting to trouble. Life had become so dull that I began treating it as if it were a game. That day when I watched Croswell, the King of Hyrule defend his people to the very end, that was when the turning point twitched. But it was only then when I witnessed the death of my clan that made me realize this wasn’t a joke. I finally understand now that life isn’t a game...”
END OF CHAPTER 2: To continue the story you must now move to Chapter 3, where you will play as King Croswell which is also found right here on misterpoll.com (assuming it has been posted), or you can move to Chapter 1 and play as Zelda if you missed it. If you would like to look at more filler to the story then check the Forms or "Messages" of the poll. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed your life as Flake the Fairy. The fate of Hyrule will be determined in 7 days. (Answering this feedback is optional.)
Such a tragedic ending for Chapter 2. I loved it.
Playing as a trouble-making Fairy was actually quite entertaining. Thanks Jen.
Don’t you think it’s weird that a 1 year old can talk?
If the Magic Mirror is so important then why are regular fairies able to access it?
Is the Great Fairy a boy or a girl? It doesn’t say anywhere. Croswell mentions something about a "Big Woman Fairy" but other than that it doesn't mention it's gender. So what's the deal?
During Day 5, why does Flake have to find Link? I mean he already knew that Link was traveling to Hyrule Castle. That doesn't make sense.
Wait, a town built on top of Lake Hylia? What are the buildings sitting on? And is it being supported by magic?
In Chapter 1, you made readers choose Zelda's hair color. How come you didn't make us choose Flake's aura color in this poll?
Chapter 1 was much better than this one.
Playing as a Fairy would've been awesome if they weren't a trouble-maker. Oh well..
Storytelling isn't your thing Jen.
This poll was created on 2011-07-02 03:54:21 by Jennifer Return